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A collocation is two or more words that often go together. 
These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, 
who use them all the time. On the other hand, other combinations
may be unnatural and just sound "wrong". Look at these examples:
natural English                   vs             unnatural English
the fast train                                                        the quick train
    fast food                                                            quick food
a quick shower                                                      a fast shower
a quick meal                                                           a fast meal
Unnatural combinations are wrong and they just don't go together. Plain and simple!
Lesson 1 - Topic (Family)
Note: collocations are listed in bold.
immediate family - are your brothers and siblings
extended family - relatives
family tree - we use it to diagram the relationship among your family members
family members
distant relative - a person who is related to you by a long series of connections
loving family or a close-knit family- if you are lucky to have family that has good
relationships, where everyone loves and helps each other
carefree childhood - if you are reaised in a loving family and you had nothing to worry
about when you were young
dysfunctional family - a family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy
troubled childhood - if the children experience abuse, poverty or problems with the law
a bitter divorce- separation in which there were angry/bad feelings between the husband and wife
a messy divorce - divorce with a prolonged legal battle involving lots of conflicts about the separation
(usually involve assets - money and possessions)
divorce settlement - includes the decisions about the separation of assets
a broken home - we sometimes use this collocation for a family in which there are divorces or separations
custody of the children - primary responsibility of caring for the kids (one of main subjects of a divorce)
A judge can grant joint custody - that means the ex-husband and ex-wife share the responsibility
or sole custody - only one parent has the responsibility of caring for the kids.
A judge might award sole custody to the mother, and the father has to pay child support - regular 
payments to help with expenses for the kids.
mutual divorce/separation  - ex-husband and ex-wife agreed to separate without fighting
the probably stay on good terms with each other in that case - have a polite relatiobship without conflicts
If a woman gets pregnant  without being married or in a relationship, she will become a single mother.
Some women in this situation choose to have an abortion and others prefer to give the baby up for adoption.
the due date - the time when the baby is planned to arrive
You can also say that the baby is due in for example mid-October.
After the woman has the baby (gives birth to the baby) the baby is given to the adoptive parents if we
are talking about the case of adoption. Adoptive parents will raise the child or bring up the child as if
it was their own.
Sometimes, when the adopted child is older, he or she tries to find their birth mother - biological mother.
Task 1. Explain (Eng-Eng) and translate (Eng-Bos)  the words/collocations in bold.
Lesson 2 - Topic (Relationships)
Note: collocations are listed in bold.
- When you move to a new city, it can be hard to make friends;
- casual acquaintances - people who you know on a basic level, but with
whom you don't have a significant relationship;
- Over the time, some of these may become good friends or colse friends.
- Do you believe in love at first sight? - when two people meet each other
and immediately fall in love - perhaps because they have strong chemistry
- this expressions describes strong compatibility or connection between
two possible romantic partners.
- Some people believe that their significant other (their boyfriend, girlfriend,
husband, or wife) is their soul mate - this is a poetic expressions that means
that two people are destined to be together.
- It's possible for one person to have feelings for another person - an inderct
way to describe romantic feelings - but if the other person doesn't feel the
same was, then the feeling is not mutual.

- The other person might say "he's/she's just not my type" - which means
they are not interested. Ah, there's nothing sadder than unrequited love (Love
that is not returned).
- Some people marry their childhood sweetheart or high school/college sweetheart
- this expression refers to a boyfriend or girlfriend from your  childhood, teenage,
or college years. Other couples are introduced by a mutual friend - one friend
that the two people have in common.
- When the couple is ready to make a commitment, the man proposes to the woman -
he asks her to marry him. If the marriage is good, thn we say the couple is happily married.
- Unfortunately, not all love stories have a happy ending. Sometimes a husband or wife
has an affair. We can also say that they are cheating on their husband/wife.
- The expression "have an affair" is typically used only for married couples and the
expressions "cheating on" can be used for married couples or for boyfriends/girlfriends.
Task 1. Explain (Eng-Eng) and translate (Eng-Bos)  the words/collocations in bold.


Lesson 3 - Appearance
Note: collocations are listed in bold.

My best friend Joanna is absolutely gorgeous (extremely beautiful). She has long,
sleek, jet-black hair (sleek = smooth and straight, jet-black = perfectly black),
pale blue eyes (pale = light color), and a radiant complexion (skin that appears
healthy and full of energy).
hourglass figure, slender waist, round face, upturned nose,
She actually bears a striking resemblence (looks extremely similar) to a famous singer.
Joana could ge any guy she wanted - so I was surprised when she introduced me to her
latest boyfriend.
hideously ugly
curly, shoulder-length hair that looks rather unkempt (unkempt hair = messy hair, it appears
that the person doesn't take care of his/her hair)
He has a square face and a ruddy complexion (reddish skin). His deep-set eyes (eyes that are far back
in person's face) are almost hidden under his bushy eyebrows, and he sports a thick mustache and a
huge, shaggy beard (a beard with lots of hair), I guess Joanna doesn't mind his facial hair (facial hair =
beard and/or mustache).
athletic build
broad shoulders
muscular arms
If he would only trim his beard (cut his beard a little shorter) and comb his hair, I suppose
he could be considered somewhat attractive (more or less beautiful/handsome).
Task 1. Explain (Eng-Eng) and translate (Eng-Bos)  the words/collocations in bold.


Lesson 4 - Character and Behavior
Note: collocations are listed in bold.

painfully shy
I had a vivid imagination
outgoing personality - she liked to be friendly and sociable
a good sense of humor - ability to make other people laugh
to be brutally honest and sometimes comments can hurt my feelings (make me sad, upset and angry)
Although I was fiercely loyal to her, she showed her true colors (revealed her true personality)
when she played a prank (did a trick) humiliated me in front of the class.
to bear a grudge = to continue feeling angry - e.g. I bore a grudge against her for years afterwards.
Now that I look back on it, I can see that she had low-self esteem (she considered herself inferior)
and a bit of a mean streak (a "streak" is a tiny bit of someone's personality).
I've come out of my shell (become less shy) since those days; I have a thicker skin (I'm less sensitive
to criticism) and it doesn't bother me when people speak their minds.
I have a tendency to be arrogant - some say I have a superiority complex (consider myself superior to
I'll admit that it is hard to swallow my pride (stop being arrogant) and recognize when I've been mistaken
about something.
My resolution for the New Year is to make a more concerted effor to put others first (consider the needs
of other people more important than my own).
Task 1. Explain (Eng-Eng) and translate (Eng-Bos)  the words/collocations in bold.


Lesson 5 - Feelings
Note: collocations are listed in bold.

a roller coaster of emotions - many different emotions one after another
ridiculously excited
blissfully happy
I was worried sick (very worried)
I got increasingly anxious
seethe with anger
e.g. I was seething with anger (ready to explode with anger)
She was visibly disappointed (it was obvious that she was disappointed).
He's not really one to show his feelings, he prefers to bottle up his emtions
(keep his emotions hidden inside).
I was terribly sorry
I lost my temper (lost control and showed anger)
She was deeply depressed and I too was an emotional wreck (a person who is very sad,
confused, and upset).
I've been pleasantly surprised...
I'm just immensely grateful...
I'm overwhelmed with emotions (when emotion is so strong that it's difficult to think or speak).
Task 1. Explain (Eng-Eng) and translate (Eng-Bos)  the words/collocations in bold.


Additional tasks:

Task 1: Collocations - NOUN COLLOCATIONS

booming            calling for            resulted in            lasting                grave
grainy             restore             blissful              struck            born       

 delicate           caught            broke        heavy


1. Many people have recently been the abolition of circuses as they are seen as cruel to animals.

2. The management and the workers a bargain which led to the strike ending peacefully.

3. Both armies suffered casualties in the battle and the result was indecisive.

4. There is danger that the situation may degenerate into war.

5. The economy in Singapore is the result of low interest rates and taxation.

6 Poor planning at the initial stages of the project failure.

7. I'm not sure what colour his jacket was as I only a glimpse of him.

8. He has no idea what he wants to do for a job but seems satisfied living in ignorance.

9. He would lie to his own mother. He is a liar.

10. The secret to a marriage is honesty on both sides.

11. The TV stations the news of the president's death at around 9pm.

12. After the riots, military police were brought into the area to order.

13. The photographer was miles from the yacht and the light was poor and that is why it is such a photo.

14. She's feeling pretty at the moment but should be well enough to eat later on.



Task 2: Collocations - VERB COLLOCATIONS

hotly            blatantly            stiffly            wholeheartedly            extensively
impassively     loudly            on impulse            hastily            distinctly
narrowly            seriously


1. I suggested he invest in the new company and he agreed with me.

2. My mum is normally very good with money, but the other day, she saw this wonderful vase and decided to buy it .

3. How can you claim that you deserved that promotion when you have only been here for six months?

4. I think the reasons for the government's defeat at tonight's election will be debated for many years.

5. Bob escaped serious injury when his car caught fire. Luckily, he wasn't wearing his seat belt and got out of the car in seconds.

6. I think I must have offended Elena at some point as she greeted me very when I saw her this morning.

7. I can't hear what they are saying very but I think she asked him for a divorce!

8. Did you not hear what I said or are you just ignoring me?

9. Everyone jumped when, just before midnight, someone knocked at the door.

10. Police today said they were shocked not only by the attack on the metro but by the fact that the other passengers in the carriage looked on without trying to help.

11. We packed for the trip and both of us forgot our passports!

12. The composition is good Stephen, but I feel you have quoted too from the original work. You need to write more yourself.