Eng +



 ****  Step 1: Discourse markers




Choose the correct word for each sentence - each is only used once.


moreover                on the other hand            at least                    however
                besides firstly            whereas                            then                    

                                        actually            though


1. I had a terrible day at work and lost my umbrella too.                    I spoke to that nice

guy who works in the coffee shop at last!


2. Television turns people into lazy couch potatoes.                    , there are some educational

programmes on.


3.                     , I would like to welcome you all to the conference today.


4.                       the film was a little boring, we still had a nice evening out.


5. I've always known Caroline as a mean person.                     , she lent me $10 yesterday

without me having to ask twice!


6. I got up at 9 o'clock yesterday and had a cold shower.                     ,  I had breakfast and

left for work.


7. My brother works in a large office                    I work on my own at home.


8. Why do you think I don't want to go out tonight.                    , I would be

delighted to get out of the house.


9. You should go to university as it gives you a chance to meet so many new

people.                    , it gives you the chance to get important qualifications and get a better job.


10. I don't want to go to the football game. Football bores me and I don't want to pay $40

for a ticket.                    , look at the weather! All that rain!



Task 2


A: Did he look sad? B: No,                                , he was really cheerful.


a) as a matter of fact             b) by the way               c) obviously


2                                                your question about our mobile rates, I have attached a 

document where you can see all our rate plans.


a) Whereas            b) Regarding               c) As far as

3 Well, I think we can declare the meeting closed. 

                             , who's going to have lunch at the canteen today?


a) Actually              b) By the way             c) Anyway

4                                the most qualified candidates always get the best jobs.


a) Basically             b) In fact               c) Obviously

5 I will help him,                                , he has always been there for me.


a) obviously              b) after all               c) basically

6 The interiors are beautiful and                        , they have designed them themselves.


a) what's more               b) by the way              c) obviously

7 The north of the country is industrialised and rich

                          the south is quite poor, with an economy based on agriculture.


a) on the whole               b) whereas             c) furthermore

8                           , our objective is improve productivity and product quality 

at the same time.


a) Incidentally                b) Obviously              c) Basically

9                         , we could say that the charity dinner was a success.


a) All in all              b) Otherwise               c) In other words

10 We'd better find a quick solution to this crisis,                              our customers 

will start to lose faith in us.


a) after all             b) in fact                    c) otherwise
Task 3
1.  _______ we liked the technical support we received from the three companies, 
although X-Tech and Fast-on were a bit faster.

2 Tom is the most ill-mannered and and disrespectful person 
I know. _______ , he's always lying.
3 I saw Jerry and Cath today. _______ Jerry, do you know that he's going 
to Australia on a business trip next week?
4 You should help her in whatever she may need; _______ , she's your sister.
5 I think Jacky needs to talk to you about some business. _______, she's lost a 
few pounds and looks fantastic.

7 The game has a single button, _______, the player has to push just one
 button in order to play.
8 I wanted to save some money, but I ______ lost a lot of money.
9 He may not be very good, but _______ he tries hard.
10 He complains very often, but he has _______ nothing to complain 
Task 4.

actually / after all / as far as / at least / but also / furthermore / on the other hand

/ otherwise / regarding / that is to say / whereas



For years there has been an ongoing debate 1 ____________ the use of animals in research 

and testing. 2 ____________many people believe testing on animals is not only unethical

3 ___________ cruel and inhumane, others are convinced that animal testing is a necessary

 evil; 4 ______________ , an unavoidable practice. I personally believe that animal testing 

is unethical and should be banned or 5 _____________ restricted, but at the same time I am

aware that without this practice the lives of many people would be much worse than they 

are at present. I am certainly aware that there are many arguments in favour of experimenting

 with animals; 6 _______________,  90% of scientists support the idea, and there must be 

reasons for that. Many life-saving cures and treatments wouldn’t have been possible without 

it. 7 ______________ , there is legislation in place to ensure the wellbeing of the animals which 

are used in tests, and most of these animals are 8 ____________ treated more humanely than 

the animals we use for consumption, which represent the vast majority.

9 ________________, we should ask ourselves if we have the right to dictate the destiny of 

any living creature. It has been proved that animals have feelings and are as susceptible

of pain and suffering as humans. Therefore, it seems cruel to purposely make them 

experience such afflictions. The main difference between animals and humans is that the former

don't seem to have a conscience or the ability to feel compassion. As far as I am concerned,

it is precisely compassion, the characteristic that makes humans unique and "superior", what

we should use when dealing with animals; 10 _________we are nothing else than animals doing

 tests on other animals.



   ****   Step 2: Compound nouns


Task 1


You need to construct compound nouns from these words in the box below to fill in the

gaps in the sentences. Some of the words are used twice, but in a different order!

All answers should be entered as two separate words.


window                     reading                    seat                   pub                  day

phone                           child                      light                  fishing             card

table                             food                      frame                work                boat


1. I only have coins on me and that's a card phone. I will have to see if there is a public

phone in that bar.


2. I want to put a                        in the car as they say it really makes toddlers safer

while driving.


3. John was furious with the airline company. He sat on that plane for 14 hours and

his                  didn't work. He couldn't even finish that novel he was reading during

the flight. He had to try and sleep.


4. "What type of credit card is that?" "That's not a credit card. That's a                            

I use it once a week to call my mum back home in New Zealand."


5. All the                            in this house have to be repainted. Otherwise, they will rot

over the winter and then we may not be able to open the windows in the spring.


6. English restaurants have a terrible reputation, but the                            is very



7. I worked at night for so long that when I finally started to do some                        ,

I found it really strange.


8.  A                            sank off the Spanish coast last night. Both fishermen were saved

by the coast guard.


9. I know that Monday is a holiday for everyone else, but for us it's a normal                            .

We have to get this project finished by Wednesday!


10. Why do you have a                        in the middle of your lounge? I keep feeling tempted

to go up to the bar to order drinks!!



Task 2


Complete the sports venues with the words below. Then use six of them to label the photos.


basketball      bowling      boxing      court      football      golf

ice      room      studio      swimming      track      wall


1   ……………………… alley

2   ……………………… course

3   athletics ………………………

4   ……………………… rink

5   tennis ………………………

6   ……………………… ring

7   ……………………… court

8   dance ………………………

9   climbing ………………………

10   ……………………… pitch

11   weights ………………………

12   ……………………… pool



Task 3


Match the words to make more compound nouns. Use each word only once.


 mountain                          road

 flood                                block

 main                                net

 sea                                  range

 tennis                              player

 safety                             f   shore

 tower                               lights


Task 4

Complete the compound adjectives in the sentences with the words below.


25      air      full      open      sound      well


 It’s an amazing house. There’s a ………………………-sized bowling alley in the basement!

 There’s also a new ………………………-air swimming pool in the garden.

 Is it healthy to spend all day in ………………………-conditioned offices?

 The gym has a ………………………-equipped weights room.

 She reached the top of the ………………………-metre climbing wall in less than a minute.

 They record the podcasts in a ………………………proof room.




Task 5


Match the words in A and B to form compound adjectives. Then complete the sentences.


A     air      open      six      solar      sound      well

B     air      conditioned      equipped      heated      lane      proof


1   On Friday mornings, there’s an …………………………… market in the square, where you can

 buy fresh fruit and vegetables.


2   It was a relief to enter the …………………………… building after walking around in the 

heat outside.


3   There’s always a lot of traffic on the …………………………… motorway leading to the 

city centre.


4   The band are looking for a …………………………… room where they can practise without

 disturbing anyong.


 The hotel has a …………………………… gym with a wide range of different machines.


 The water in their …………………………… swimming pool never goes below a certain temperature.



Task 6


Replace the underlined words with the words below.


agree      choice      like      overall      prefer to      settled


1   I think karting is a better option because it looks more fun.


2   In general, the first activity would be better.


3   I quite fancy the first activity. ……………………………………….

4   We need to make a decision together. ……………………………………….

5   That’s decided then. ……………………………………….

6   I’d rather go climbing than kayaking. ……………………………………….





 **** Step 3: Word formation



                0.  Buying and selling antiques can be a very _________ hobby if you know how to find a good bargain.
profit   (a very profitable hobby


             00. We were left without any money for the last part of our holiday because we had ___________ the cost of the train ticket to Norway.
estimate (we had underestimated the cost)


           000. I think I was _____________ fired and have decided to bring the company to court.
fair  ( I was unfairly fired)


                Part 1 exercise

1. The Sultan spent over fifty million dollars making the capital city's main hotel the most ___________ in the country.


2. Police working on solving the bank robbery have by chance ___________  a plan to murder a leading politician.


3. We should go and eat at "Franco's" which is ______________ a great little restaurant.


4. I left the house at 8am and stared at the empty garage in ______________ . My car was nowhere to be seen. Someone had stolen it!


5. If you have any problems finding things, just ask Roger. He is very _____________ and will tell you where to find what you want.


6. You paid $25 for a simple breakfast?! They have certainly _____________ you ! You should go back and complain.


7. The gang robbed three banks in the same city and all at about the same time.  Not ___________ , they were caught by the police during the fourth attempt.


8. Sarina is only my half sister because we have __________________ mothers.


                  Part 2 exercise

1. This queue hasn't moved in five minutes. I'm getting a bit ___________ !


2. Politicians should spend some time living on the streets like ___________ people have to and then they would understand better the problems they have.


3. Carl was calmly taking a photograph as this ___________ large bear walked towards the car. It was a terrifying experience...at least for me!


4. If you go walking around the factory, ensure you have ______________ clothing on.


5. Are you sure you have cleaned the kitchen? There is still a pretty _______________ smell coming from it.


6. Although it isn't definite we will see you tomorrow, it is quite _________________ .


7. Be sure not to put more than threee ____________ of vodka into the mix, otherwise it will be too alcoholic.


8. Finding a cure for cancer will be a huge _____________ breakthrough for mankind.



                               Part 3 exercise


1. It isn't very ___________ that Paula is at home, is it? She usually works at this time.


2. Megan was told by her dietician that she was becoming ____________ thin and should eat more.


3 _______________ is the spice of life, says the proverb and everyone should try and do new things and meet new people to avoid becoming bored.


4. Harry had a difficult ____________ and was brought up by an aunt and uncle living in the country.


5. The whole dispute began after a small ____________ over the money needed to finance the new company.


6. The introduction of insecticides in the 20th Century _____________ agriculture across the world.


7. All the coastal towns in this area are _____________ by strong tradition of dance and there is a festival of dance that takes place every August.


8. My company has spent a lot of money building a new, ____________ factory which will nearly double production.


                                Part 4 exercise


1. I was just trying to be ____________ towards him and he accused me of wanting his money!


2. The south-west of England, for example Devon and Cornwall, is known as the ___________ part of the United Kingdom.


3. What you may think is _____________ is really just over-enthusiasm. He would never harm anyone.


4. Anyone being rude and ____________ to our staff will be asked to leave the premises immediately.


5. Men have more of a ______________ to put weight on around the waist and stomach areas and this is something they should be aware of.


6. Three weeks after winning the lottery, Daniel Perkins had the __________ to lose a court case in which he was being sued for nearly $2million.


7. The pharmaceutical company's _______________ have discovered a better way of combining medicines to create a flu remedy.


8. The babies were put up for ______________ when their mother was jailed for her part in the murder.


                                Part 5 exercise


1. Herbert has been a(n) ___________ member of this company's staff. I don't know what I would do without him!


2. The food at the restaurant was simply delicious. I just didn't think there was enough _______________ .


3. Even though the actors did quite a poor job of bringing the book to the stage, the _______________ was of the highest quality.


4. Even though he is only 17, he is a verry _________ tennis player who could have a big future in the game.


5. The stock market has risen ___________ in the last six months and now is a good time to invest.


6. The ___________ of the printer is often believed to have been one of the most important of the last 500 years.


7. My brother chose that university because it does a very well recommended _____________ course and that's what he has always wanted to do.


8. Hamish had the _____________ to lose his job only three weeks after getting married. But things turned out alright in the end.


                            Part 6 exercise


1. There will be a special ____________ meeting tomorrow morning at 9a.m which everyone has to attend.


2. The modernisation of the factory _____________ productivity but unfortunately, many people lost their jobs.


3. All students must take English and Mathematics. Then they must choose two other courses, but the course in International Relations is ___________ .


4. It is my dream to work in the ship-building industry but unfortunately, there is so much _____________ around that I may have to alter my ambitions.


5. Too much of the food we eat nowadays is full of chemicals and other ________________ .


6. Come to my house tomorrow, ______________ as early as possible.


7. I do like your new friend Jasper. He tells the funniest jokes and seems to be a very _____________ young man.


8. He has just asked me for money again. That's the ____________ time and he doesn't seem to understand the word "no"!


                                    Part 7 exercise


1. How long do we have to sit in this police station waiting. It's making me feel very _________ watching all these criminals walking past.


2. He did a great report on the future of the ship-building industry but I didn't agree with his ___________ at all.


3. I'm afraid Mr. Perkins is ____________ at the moment. He seems to be in a meeting. Is there any message you would like me to pass on to him?


4. People with _______________ have been demanding better access to the local government buildings downtown. They want a wheelchair ramp built and electric sliding doors.


5. I don't speak Spanish very well but I can read it quite _____________ .


6. I accepted the job without ____________ when I heard what the wage was!


7. Stop sitting there looking so bored and ______________ . Get up and find something to do! I don't want you sitting around the house like this all summer.


8. Yesterday, the government announced a $10 million increase in the town's budget to try and tackle the ____________ problem that exists.


                                    Part 8 exercise


1. I thought the stunts and action scenes in that movie were great! It must have been very ___________ for the stuntmen to do some of them.


2. Craig, did you see that _____________ on TV last night for the new Volvo? I thought I would never stop laughing; it was brilliant!


3. What would have been an interesting political debate was ruined by the aggressive, bossy ____________ and finally, one of the candidates walked out of the studio.


4. Ladies and gentlemen, the creation of this new department will increase productivity and help the company to become _________ again.


5. Young children have so much imagination and ___________ that it never fails to amaze me. If only adults were the same!


6. "The problem with young people today is that they don't realise how damaging their apathy and ___________ can be," my uncle said.


7. I don't care if you didn't hear what I said. That is your problem: a total __________ to listen to anything I say to you. I'm very disappointed in your behaviour.


8. The ____________ charge in that restaurant is 25%. I think we should go somewhere cheaper!


                                    Part 9 exercise


1. I spent most of my ___________ on a farm in Wales before the family moved to America.


2. In _____________ ,  I would like to add my congratulations to your daughter and her husband on the birth of their second child.


3. The _______________ of this machine was a local farmer who stayed in the area even after the wealth and fame he found.


4. Your brother made it sound like the show was going to be great. I found it very _____________ and was feeling quite bored by the end.


5. The ____________ climate in these parts does wonders for my health. I could live here all year!


6. We expect these ______________ conditions to continue for at least another 24 hours before things calm down a bit.


7. Many of the houses in this area are considered ____________ and will probably be demolished by the end of the year.


8. The leader of the trade union tried _____________ for re-election before finally retiring after 27 years.


                                Part 10 exercise


1. There are __________ ways  you can reach the conference hall, but the tram service in this city

is excellent and is probably your best option.


2. You have to go in there and             them ! Without your encouragement and enthusiasm, I

don't know what we would do.


3. We are sorry to say that there hasn't been much                in  your grandmother's condition.


4. It's not                  to do a degree course in only two years, but you would need to work very hard.


5. Your friend was a                     host last night. I can't wait to meet her again.


6. You're not wearing those shoes for the trek today. They are totally              . Go and put

some boots on.        suit


7. That was one of the most uncomfortable                            I have ever been on. The turbulence was awful.


8. This letter is full of                         . Can you type it again please?


                                    Part 11 exercise


1. When you start work in this restaurant, good hygiene is of the highest                               .


2. We won eleven of our chess matches but then lost the                         which was so disappointing.


3. Do you have any extra cushions? This hard chair is pretty                          !


4. How can I begin to explain what we do here in the company? Well,                       we are the people

you come to if your windows are scratched and you want them to look new again.


5. I can't decide between the cake and the ice cream. What a difficult                           .


6. Coming to work on the bus must be                         than using that old bicycle of yours.


7. The customs officer asked me to open my suitcase and, most                  , to show him the

contents of my handbag too. But he was very polite.


8. It was freezing at work today. The                       broke down and we were all working in our

sweaters and overcoats!


                                Part 12 exercise

1. I went to the doctor as I was very concerned about a small red                    on my hand

but he said it was nothing to worry about at all.


2. She wasn't an                       girl at school but she didn't have too many friends.


3. The height of Mt. Everest is increasing by a few centimeters every year due to                      changes.


4. The best thing about the apartment is its                      location, very close to all the stores and

amenities you will ever need.


5. When she saw the mess we had made of the room, she looked very                       .


6. That's the last time I'm going to wait for a bus. The service is so                    . It's better

to walk!


7. Greg wrote a strong letter of                            to that hotel that treated him so poorly last year.

He wants his money back.


8. These experiments were carried out with                        levels of success before being abandoned

due to their unreliability.


                            Part 13 exercise


1. Mr. Highton, over a _______________ of the students in this class failed their year-end examination.

What can you offer as an explanation?


2. Barry is ________________ not to understand what you are talking about unless you explain

things very clearly.


3. I wanted some information about your _______________ courses as I will be in the area for about

a week. You do offer accommodation, don't you?


4. My mother knows how to cook all sorts of foreign food but her _____________ is Mediterranean



5. i _________________ recommend you to go and see that movie. It's the best I've seen

this year!


6. Once the office is totally _________________, it should save us a lot of time that we currently

spend looking for bits of paper.


7. The research that was carried out was not very _______________ and we can't rely on

the results.


8. I've been working on a _______________ to this problem for months. I think I'll just have

to accept it can't be fixed.


                            Part 14 exercise

1. There is no ______________ to bring food and drink with you but you will save our

organisation some money if you do.


2. The _____________ of the dodo from the island of Madagascar was one of the

tragedies of the natural world.


3. Native American Indians made numerous _______________ from the bison they killed

when hunting.


4. Let's buy two of those ______________ vases and then we'll still have enough money to get

the carpet you wanted.


5. Look at the way it stands up to make itself look bigger when it hears a noise. That is a _______________ of that species.


6. The old riverboat museum isn't the only _____________ in the town. We also have a diner dating from the

early 1950s which is quite a magnet for tourists.


7. The increase in the _______________ of the main street will mean better parking facilities but pedestrians will

have a narrower sidewalk.


8. "Where do you think Susan got to?" "Well, in all ______________, she is with her friends at the pool."


                                  Part 15 exercise

1. It took a lot of strength and courage to continue climbing when the weather deteriorated and we finally

reached the summit at sunset. What a ________________ day it was!


2. The tunnel under the river is near ________________ now and should be open before next summer.


3. _____________________ are advised to stay in their vehicles even if traffic is stationary.


4. It's your _________________ what we watch on TV tonight. I chose that terrible movie

last night - I wish I hadn't now!


5. The cost of sending the article is the responsibility of the_________________,  not the buyer.

Any disputes should be referred to the management.


6. If you wanted to make more money, you could always decide to hold the festival

twice ______________instead of just the once.


7. I was the only ________________ to finish both parts of the race, so obviously I was

declared the winner.


8. He walked towards the car ______________,  opened the door and got in. The watching

police kept their distance and waited patiently for Jenkins to make the next move.


                                Part 16 exercise


1. When he was still a ____________ 19 year old, he went to Harvard University.


2. Billy the Kid was one of the most _____________ killers of the old West.


3. Mary and Peter don't have any children. They're ___________, but perfectly happy.


4. Police are looking into the ______________ of a ghostly hitch-hiker, reported by several drivers on the highway near Alton.


5. My next guest is a ___________ name now but had to work for many years to become so well known.


6. We tried,  _______________, to climb the mountain but the weather deteriorated quickly so we had to give up.


7. My boss said your resume was great so he's likely to look at your application very ______________ .


8. We have used stone of different _____________ to get that amazing effect. It's a very special building.



                                 Part 17 exercise


1. I've been __________ for over a year now. I've had about 15 interviews but nobody seems

to want to  give me a job.


2. My favorite subject at school was ___________,  although I was probably best at French.


3. I'd like to know the ______________ explanation for why it's foggy near the coasts.


4. How could you consider her a ___________ when she won three matches for us last year?


5. I want to work in either planning or _____________ when I graduate.


6. ______________, she likes to be left alone so it's best to let her be.


7. The manager made several ________________ demands of his workforce and they eventually

went on strike.


8. We got rid of our old _____________ and bought a computer with a word processor.


                            Part 18 exercise


1. Many people often make a _____________ between London and New York



2. This book _____________ as a series of lectures about shipwrecks, which were given two decades ago.



3. There are power stations across Europe that use the _____________ rise and fall of the ocean tides.



4. If you weren't so _____________ of Ben, he'd be happier to spend time with you.



5. Don't you find it _____________ how Jeremy always comes to work looking so untidy?



6. Doctors say a glass of warm milk before bedtime can result in a more _____________ night's sleep.



7. Tim-Berners Lee has received many awards as the _____________ of the world wide web.



8. On the final day, we visited the _____________ Victoria Falls and then flew home.


                            Part 19 exercise


1. The _____________ recommended intake of Vitamin C varies from country to country.

2. When shopping online, many people make use of price _____________ websites.

3. The book, like the movie, tracks the anxiety and _____________ pains of a teenager in 1970s Germany.

4. This wine has a very fruity flavour to it and a _____________ after-taste. I really like it.

5. I've lost all _____________ for this concert, I'm finding it boring. Can we go?

6. The opening of this new restaurant should satisfy the _____________ of local Indonesian food fans.

7. You don't respond well to positive _____________ , which is only made to help you.

8._____________  as it may seem, mammoths were alive only five thousand years ago.


                            Part 20 exercise


1. Large spiders, ________________ from South East Asia, are now being seen in the

local countryside.



2. Collecting garden gnomes might seem an unusual ________________ , but many people

do it.



3. Professor Watkins wasn't only an ________________ to me, but to thousands of others

lucky enough to have met him.



4. For someone so young, Carl is a very literate and ________________ young man.



5. The new year _______________ in this area of the country involve dancing and a drink

made from melons.



6. The ________________ of the Rubik's Cube peaked in the early 1980s.



7. This musician's work is very ________________ and difficult to understand. Many people say

it's just noise.



8. Tom ________________ told us he wasn't coming, then he turns up with two guests!

I'm furious with him.




                            Part 21 exercise


1. Though expensive, the ________________ tour we took in Jerusalem was worth every penny.



2.. ________________ , local police are saying the people they see sleeping on the streets

have mental issues.



3. The Lavet Institute fights against ________________ in movies and literature.



4. David Baron's latest crime thriller ends with an________________ final chapter that

keeps you guessing.



5. The true ________________ of spoken language remain an area of fierce debate.



6. The two families fell out after Mr Dawson said Caroline wouldn't be a _____________wife for his son.



7. It is the bride's father who has ________________ paid for a wedding.



8. I had a ________________ night's sleep. My back was hurting and the storm outside

made such a noise.



                            Part 22 exercise


1. The Age Of Enlightenment was one of great inventions and revolutionar________________.



2. The judge was forced to acquit, saying the evidence was wholly________________.



3. The ________________ of the opening of the new bridge continued until nearly midnight.



4. Harry Stevens is the man most often credited as being the ________________ of the hot dog.



5. Can you think of one ________________ reason why I should give you your job back?



6. That the Vikings had horns in their helmets is a common ________________.



7. Local officials were surprised at the scale of the ________________ against plans for a local casino.



8. I agree with the sentiments so ________________ expressed in David's wonderful speech.



                                   Part 23 exercise


1. It was quite recently that human ________________ was first captured on camera.



2. It was my uncle Clive that provided me with advice and sound ________________ when I was young.



3. The author has a stilted and ________________ style, which I found tough to enjoy.



4. Local planners admit they ________________ the number of tourists that would come for the festival.



5. As is ________________ the case when I go to a restaurant, I ate too much and spent a fortune!



6. It's a hot day today, so take the ________________ of using sun cream and drinking plenty of water.



7. Whatever ________________ are drawn from these results, you can't deny it was

a groundbreaking experiment.



8. Mr Hansard was elected President after a ________________ election result.



                            Part 24 exercise


1. In ________________ with an ancient tradition, dinner will be served on blue china.



2. It's ________________ rare to see large sharks in the Mediterranean Sea.



3. The royal wedding finished with a ________________ 8-course meal in the evening.



4. Scientists used a simple beetle as the ________________ for their invention of a water-collecting

bottle for hot climates.



5. A group of powerful ________________ invested in the new company and made a fortune.



6. Helen Weldon has been totally ________________ an a historian after it was shown she

invented quotations.



7. In your ________________ , how much money do we need to save in order to

buy the house?



8. Parking in the city centre can be a major ________________ due to the narrow





                                 Part 25 exercise


1. Holidays where people carry out voluntary charity work are becoming________________ popular.



2. This morning's explosion at a chemical plant resulted in one ________________ and four injuries.



3. We stopped at the church for thirty minutes to pay our ________________ to a local writer

who had died.



4. I think a toy gun is a totally ________________ toy for a four-year old.



5. Colin acted with ________________ restraint, despite how angry he must have

been feeling.



6. The ________________ of this new department will help the company face the

next ten years more effectively.



7. The summer school organised many ________________ for us to do. We were never bored.



8. The mayor was forced to resign after the ________________ at his ill-considered remarks.



                                    Part 26 exercise


1. Educational TV programmes like this are very ________________ for young children.



2. Ben insisted on his articles being ________________ by editors and left when his boss

said that was impossible.



3. I am looking for a ________________ jeweller who will be able to appraise this

watch and tell me how much it's worth.



4. Jan Welbech was a reputable physicist until his main two theories were

completely ________________ .



5. The shark's ________________ is somewhat unfair as fatal attacks are extremely rare.



6. I read a story with the title 'A Strange ________________ At Talbot Bridge', which was

about a train-riding ghost.



7. I went on a diet that ________________ only fresh and organic food and I could

only drink water.



8. The comedian joked about a plane crash and some in the audience thought

he was being ________________ .




                            Part 27 exercise


1. Despite injuring his leg near the start of the race, Larry managed to finish

a very ________________ fourth.



2. Rory always has plenty of money, but I've never been sure what he actually does

for a ________________ .



3. What ________________ do you take in the workplace to prevent accidents?



4. The bomb caused ________________ damage to the older buildings in the town and

had to be demolished.



5. The road was ________________ closed due to a spilled load of children's toys that

created havoc.



6. Though a talented doctor, she found that most skills were not ________________ when she

began working as a vet.



7. This new design of the radio ________________ all the best features of our previous model.



8. Maggie is always displaying great ________________ to those less fortunate than her.




                            Part 28 exercise


1.Harrison Ford wasn't the ________________ choice to play Han Solo in the Star

Wars movies.



2. There will be a total solar eclipse at 2.14pm today. Such ________________ are

very rare.



3. Even short bursts of physical activity are believed to be very ________________ to health.



4. The________________ of the town react negatively to crowds of tourists filling the roads

and beaches each year.



5. Police are investigating the strange ________________ in street robberies in the west of town.



6. Leyton city council have started towing all badly parked cars in what is a

very ________________ move.



7. Conclusive proof that the Earth orbited the Sun was a great ________________ .



8. Being so close to the Atlantic, the weather in Ireland is often both changeable and

very ________________ .




                            Part 29 exercise


1.The arrival of the summer tourists is very ________________ for the local economy.



2. Graham rushed to sell his house before the end of the ________________ year.



3. If you are over twenty-one years of age, you'll be able to see the ________________ version

of the book.



4. The final draft of the treaty included a few minor ________________ to keep

everyone happy.



5. If you approached your studies as ________________ as your spare time activities, you'd be

going to Cambridge!



6. The tiger is a very efficient ________________ hunter, living most of its life alone.



7. The detective concluded that it was ________________ for the suspect to have made

the journey so quickly.



8. Few can match the ________________ of Jack The Ripper, a 19th century London




       Step 4: Multiple choice cloze


          Task 1:  A first time for everybody

Joe stepped onto the aeroplane and was met by one of the cabin crew who
showed him to his seat. This was his first flight and he was feeling quite
nervous. His hands were                    (1) slightly and he was breathing 
deeply. He walked along the                  (2) of the plane and found his seat.
Joe had spent a lot of time on planning his holiday, given this was the first time 
he had been abroad. Sitting next to him was an 8 year-old-boy who also           (3)
to be quite nervous. Joe knew he was quite good with children, so he decided to 
try to calm the boy. After                        (4) with the boy for a few minutes, 
Joe produced some chocolate and gave it to him. The                      (5) then
became quite cheerful as he explained that he loved chocolate so much.

The man and the boy found that they  
             (6) well together as they chatted 
for the whole flight. Joe discovered that they were on the same return flight the 
following  week, which pleased them both. When they                      (7) at the 
terminal, Joe commented about what a very good flight he'd had. The young boy agreed,
saying that he was looking forward to               (8) Joe again on the return flight.


1  moving       trembling    jumping   rattling

2 corridor       lane              path          aisle

3   was            appeared       sat          showed

4 conversing  discussing debating   negotiating

5 young         youths           juvenile   youngster

6 got on         were              got to       got so

7 disembarked  took off     left          boarded

8 bumping into    catching up with     getting on with    keeping up with




          Task 2:

1. It was in the 19th Century that scientists began to realise that 

monkeys and apes were ___________ relatives of man.






2. Overall, six universities have accepted my application but I ___________ to go

to Chicago because my aunt and uncle live there.






3. The ___________ of the coastal areas in these parts were called 'Myami', but 

the tribes died out around 600 years ago as European explorers moved into the area.






4. He's taken my bag! Just when you need a policeman there isn't a 

single one in ___________!






5. Christmas Day ___________ on a Sunday this year.






6. My original ___________ was not to cut jobs but only to reduce 

expenditure in the company.






7. Why are you blaming your sister? In my opinion, you are ___________ 

to blame for this accident!






8. You should ___________ advantage of our special offer while we 

have it Mrs. Foulkes.







          Task 3:

1. This house is so old now. When it rains, the windows leak and the roof needs to be replaced soon. ___________ we love it and would never move to another.





2. You can't ignore this problem any longer. You have to ___________ with it so we can go on with the plan.





3. I don't like watching soap operas and films on TV. I prefer documentaries with ___________ people talking about their lives.





4. Has someone moved the drinks ___________ the table while I was gone? I'm sure that glass in front of Peter was mine.





5. We couldn't find the hotel and it was getting dark ___________ we got out a map and studied it carefully.





6. Well, according to the timetable a bus should be along in ___________ two minutes. But I wouldn't be surprised if we had to wait another half an hour!





7. Martin Jones ___________ as the Gentle Bank Robber during his three-year reign was jailed for 25 years today at the Central Court.





8. I was born about 30km ___________ Rome but have always lived in Great Britain.







           Task 4:

1. Don't wash that sweater in hot water, ___________ it will shrink.





2. ___________ the vacation we had the most wonderful weather imaginable. Sunshine all the way!



   all in all


3. Police arrested a man late last night in connection with the murder. Police expect to charge the ___________ later this morning.





4. Right Mrs. Jones. Take these pills twice a day and if the problem ___________ more serious, come back and pay me a visit.





5. When each group of tourists have paid the entrance fee, ___________ them with a picnic hamper and two parasols.




   give out

6. You are the only person in this company who ___________ access to both the staff phone list and the bank information of every employee. Please remember, it is a huge responsibility.





7. We all just looked at the bill and then realised that ___________ wasn't even included! So we had to pay another 15% on top of that! I am never going back to that restaurant.





8. We got home to find the children ___________ down the marble hallway in their socks.







           Task 5:

1. Inspector Grant visited the suspect's house on three occasions and on the third ___________ a remarkable discovery.





2. By studying fossils, many things can be learnt including even the events that ___________ to the animal's death.





3. To ___________ up, what we would like to see is a more aggressive policing in the area and more attention given to the victims of crime...and less to the criminals!





4. My uncle has a large greenhouse in his garden which he uses to ___________ tropical fruit.





5. If we want to get to Chicago by sunset, it ___________ having to leave at dawn tomorrow.





6. It will be hard to find the area of land ___________ to build a factory such as this.





7. I like my part time job but I would like all the advantages of having a full-time contract ___________ a company car and a good vacation package.





8. Be careful swimming Jason. The water here gets very ___________ suddenly.








            Task 6:

1. Could you turn the central heating up a little more please. I can ___________ notice any difference in the temperature from an hour ago.





2. Scientists are warning that human activity is starting to cause ___________ in the Earth's climate due to increasing temperatures.





3. The unions are trying to present a ___________ front in their dispute with the government. Otherwise they know they will be defeated.





4. Though many eminent scientists have travelled to Loch Ness in Scotland, the famous monster has never been ___________ by any of them.





5. If you need to speak to me, I ___________ that my attorney is present.





6. We found a wonderful house just on the ___________ of the town. It's so much cheaper than living in the center.





7. Run to the supermarket! We're ___________ out of wine and I forgot to buy some yesterday. The guests will be here in half an hour.





8. The islands in this area were ___________ when a huge volcano erupted about 75,000 years ago. Now it's dormant.







            Task 7:

1. I lifted the lid of the box just a centimetre or two and could ___________ two shiny eyes staring out at me.

   give out

   make out

   make up

   look up

2. The famous dodo which lived on the island of Madagascar ___________ extinct in the 17th Century owing to overhunting by European settlers.





3. A ___________ in communication led to further fighting before the UN intervened and proposed a peace treaty.

   fall off




4. I don't know why you are laughing Maggie. I consider this to be a ___________ serious issue.





5. Do you feel ___________ talking about your childhood? We can change subject if you prefer.





6. The course also ___________ a few lesson specifically for those interested in going to live in Spain.





7. The noise in the hall was terrible but he just ___________ on speaking as if he couldn't hear it.





8. That's the first good idea you've ___________ since breakfast. Well done!







           Task 8:

1. Michelle came nearer the house but then she ran ___________ when she saw our big black dog. She has never liked dogs!





2. The tiger belongs to the big cat family but ___________ the panther which lives in South America, it is found mainly in Asia.





3. Jason Rewerd, 27, has been charged with abandoning his ___________ and failing to report for duty at the military base in town.





4. The Antarctic may seem an empty desolate place but it is actually ___________ to hundreds of different species of animals.





5. You can see how this artist has ___________ the well-known style of earlier artists such as Turner and Renoir.





6. ___________ temperatures have made living in this part of the world more and more difficult.





7. How much would it cost to put a new ___________ on this old picture Larry? It's for the wife's birthday.





8. In the event of fire, ___________ the glass and use the extinguisher.







            Task 9:

1. Don't waste time looking ___________ a cheap hotel when you arrive. They are all about the same price.





2. The man was questioned by the police after acting in a(n) ___________ way outside the bank.





3. Sharon never stops telling us how wonderful she is. She can be a little ___________.





4. If you ___________ all the lessons on the course, you get a certificate anyway.





5. Although they tried to put ___________ the fire for nearly two hours, eventually the firefighters had to give up.





6. It's absolutely ___________ tonight so make sure you wear both your gloves and your heavy coat.





7. Your behaviour today will have serious ___________ for your future promotion chances.





8. How can you deny the allegations Mrs. Penney? ___________ people saw you leave the store without paying.


   some of




        Task 10:

1. How can you possibly work in a zoo if you are terrified ___________ snakes?





2. Are you ___________ on foreign language films?





3. This government should be using far ___________ policies in an attempt to beat unemployment.





4. Homeschooling which involves ___________ children at home is becoming ever more popular.



   bringing up


5. Can you put me ___________ for two days if I come and stay with you?





6. The floods were caused by two days of ___________ rain.





7. It was only a minor accident and we all escaped without ___________.





8. By 10pm it was very dark and the black car was ___________ almost impossible to see.








        Step 5: Key word transformation


e.g.    I regret not speaking to Marge sooner.


        I  wish  _________________   sooner.   

         I wish I had spoken to Marge sooner.


Note: Take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using the

word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning.

You cannot change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum

of TWO and a maximum of FIVE words for each space. Contractions, which

count as two words, should only be used for negatives:

e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.


                           Part 1


1.Many people think Steve stole the money.


Steve ____________________ the money.


2. The strong winds blew down the two ancient trees during the storm.


The two ancient trees _______________________ the storm.


3. He doesn't have enough money to buy the computer.


The computer _________________________ to buy.


4. "You should start a new hobby, Mr. Jenkins", the doctor said.


The Doctor advised ___________________ a new hobby.


5. We have been waiting here since half past ten.


We have been waiting _________________ one hour.


6. The man suddenly realised that the neighbor was watching him.


The man suddenly realised that he ______________________ the neighbor.


7. I could never have passed that exam without your help.


I could never have passed that exam ______________________ me.


8. We paid some people to landscape the garden for us last year.


We _________________________ last year.



                                Part 2

1. "How about going to the cinema tonight?", said Anne.


Ann ________________________ to the cinema.


2. My advice to you is to talk to your parents.


If ________________________ talk to my parents.


3. Barry wasn't strong enough to lift the box.


Barry didn't ____________________ to lift the box.


4. They started the company in 1997.


The company ___________________ 1997.


5. I think Jean really likes Simon.


Jean _______________________ Simon.


6. I was made responsible for foreign sales.


They put ______________________ foreign sales.


7. The brothers really enjoyed themselves in Spain last summer.


The brothers really __________________________ in Spain last summer.


8. The Queen is opening the new school tomorrow afternoon.


The new school _________________________ Queen tomorrow afternoon.


                                Part 3

1. Marcus started learning French two years ago.


Marcus has ______________________ two years.


2. Harry isn't here. He went to lunch twenty minutes ago.


Harry isn't here. He _________________ lunch.


3. Do you own that stereo?


Is _________________________ ?


4. Look at how black the sky is! There is rain arriving.


Look at how black the sky is! It ______________________ .


5. What a shame. There is no food left!


I _______________________ left!



6. What a shame. They ate all the food.


I ____________________ all the food.


7. The teenagers were stealing my car when I arrived.


My car _____________________ teenagers when I arrived.



8. You use that little hammer to crack the stones.


This little hammmer ____________________.


                                Part 4

1. The last time John came to my house was in 1999.


John hasn't _____________________1999.


2. No dinner for me, thanks. I ate half an hour ago.


Thanks, but I ________________________ .


3. I haven't been swimming for nearly a year.


The __________________ was nearly a year ago.


4. I regret not speaking to Marge sooner.


I wish ______________________ sooner.


5. Yesterday, they cut down two old trees in the local park.


Yesterday, two _______________________ in the local park.


6. The army were treating the prisoners well.


The prisoners _____________________ the army.


7. I walked quietly because I didn't want to wake the baby.


I walked quietly ___________________ wake the baby.


8. I think we will arrive at 7pm if the weather remains good.


We ____________________ if the weather remains good.


                                Part 5

1. This is the first time I have ever drunk rum.


I _______________________ rum before.


2. The bank closed before I arrived.


When I got to the bank, it ____________________.


3. You press the green button to start the mixer.


If you press the green _______________________.


4. Do you know how many letters are delivered by the post office every year?


Do you know how many letters _________________ years?


5. Stop interrupting me all the time!


I wish ___________________ all the time.


6. We should leave for the disco now.


It's _________________________ disco.


7. "Remember to give Alan the card," Beryl shouted at me.


Beryl __________________ the card.


8. He locked the door to prevent the prisoner escaping.


He locked the door _______________________ escape.


                                Part 6

1. How long have you had your new car?


When __________________________ your new car?


2. Is this your first time driving a Volvo?


Have _______________________ before?


3. Leave the shop or I will call the police.


I'll call the police ___________________________.


4. I would like to be able to speak Arabic.


I wish ______________________________ .


5. The Lord of Brecon built this castle in 1286.


This castle ___________________ of Brecon in 1286.


6. Our teachers never let us leave the school.


We were not ____________________ by our teachers.


7. I graduated from college a year ago today!


I graduated from college _______________________ year!


8. I couldn't reach the shelf. It was too high.


The shelf ________________________ .


                                    Part 7


1. Jane dyed her hair orange two months ago and it has been that color ever since.


Jane's hair ______________________ two months.


2. During the film on TV, the phone rang.


While I ______________________, the phone rang.


3. Do you have any plans for next Wednesday evening?


What _____________________ next Wednesday evening?


4. Please don't smoke in this room.


I'd _______________________ in this room.


5. Everyone thinks that someone murdered Harry.


It ____________________________ murdered.


6. I visited Paris with the idea of improving my French.


I visited Paris _____________________________.


7. I didn't answer the phone, even though I knew it was my husband calling.


I didn't answer the phone ______________________ husband.


8. The weather was beautiful but we never went on the picnic.


We never went on the picnic ________________ weather.



                                        Part 8


1.I am sure it will snow tomorrow.


It ________________________ tomorrow.


2. My car keys are possibly in the kitchen.


My car keys ___________________________ the kitchen.


3. Can I come over to your house at about 7pm?


Is ____________________________ come to your house at about 7pm?


4. Is it a problem if I open the window a little?


Do _____________________ the window a little?


5. This car costs $10,000 and so does that one.


This car ______________________ that one.


6. Kate is a teacher

Kate ______________________ teacher.


7. I met your sister by chance at the airport last week.

I _________________________ the airport last week.


8. The doctor told me to give up smoking.

The doctor told _________________________________ .



                                   Part 9


1. If I were you, I would go and speak to your boss.


You ___________________________ your boss.


2. It wasn't obligatory to go to work today. I thought it was!


I  ___________________________  gone to work today.


3. It was a mistake of you to lose your passport.


You ___________________________  your passport.


4. Why don't we leave after breakfast on Saturday?


How ___________________________  on Saturday?


5. This is the most boring film I have ever seen!


I have ___________________________  film!


6. We will have to leave early tomorrow.


We will ___________________________  tomorrow.


7. The robbers escaped with a thousand dollars without being caught.

The robbers ___________________________ dollars.


8. I told them not to cross the park at night.


I ___________________________  the park at night.



                            Part 10


1. You should have finished that report, not John!


You ___________________________   that report, not John!


2. Is this the right bus for San Diego?


Could ___________________________  is the right bus for San Diego?


3. "Sorry I'm late," Mark whispered as he took his seat in the cinema.


Mark apologised ___________________________ .


4. This train is late. It was supposed to arrive five minutes ago.


This train ___________________________  five minutes ago.


5. If you continue to drink, you will get drunk.


___________________________, the drunker you will get.


6. Bring me the phone book if you happen to find it.


If ___________________________  book, bring it to me.


7. I have no memory of my first day at school.


I ___________________________  to school on my first day.


8. I didn't forget to buy the bread. Here it is!


I ___________________________. Here it is!



                               Part 11


1. It was silly of you to speak to your boss like that.


You ___________________________ your boss like that!


2. What do you advise me to do?


What ___________________________?


3. There are always a lot of cars in the downtown area at this time.


There is ___________________________ in the downtown area at this time.


4. Is it possible to smoke in this room?


Is ___________________________ this room?


5. She was taken in an ambulance five minutes ago.


They ___________________________ five minutes ago.


6. Chicago is a big city, but Los Angeles is bigger.


Chicago ___________________________ Los Angeles.


7. That story he told sounded very invented.


I'm sure that story ___________________________.


8. Who owns this pen?


Who ___________________________ to?



                                  Part 12


1. It is possible that Mike isn't at home now.


Mike ___________________________  home now.


2. Don't put the blame on me. I wasn't even there at the time.


It was ___________________________ .  I wasn't even there at the time.


3. In my opinion, if a dog is small, it is more likely to bark.


In my opinion, ___________________________ more likely it is to bark.


4. I play tennis every Wednesday.


I play tennis ___________________________ .


5. He is intelligent and so is she.


___________________________  are intelligent.


6. All of the people in the room are French.


In this room, ___________________________ .


7. Not everyone in this room is stupid.


___________________________  this room are intelligent.


8. He already has a conviction for shoplifting.


He has ___________________________ shoplifting.



                             Part 13


1. If you believe all the stories about my brother's former boss, it is clear he wasn't very nice.


My brother's former boss ___________________________ nice if you believe all the

stories about him.


2. How about going to the cinema this evening?


I ___________________________ the cinema.


3. I wasn't strong enough to push it all the way.


I ___________________________  to push it all the way.


4. There isn't any money at all in the bank account


There ___________________________ in the bank account.


5. Sharon is not as good at tennis as you.


You ___________________________  Sharon.


6. How do I complete this form?


How ___________________________  form?


7. You should consider the position of sales manager very carefully.


You should ___________________________  of sales manager very carefully.


8. We managed to free ourselves and escaped.


We ___________________________  and escaped.



                                Part 14


1. "Sorry that I drew that picture of you," he said to Tim.


He ___________________________  the picture.


2. A nice walk in the park might help us both to relax, don't you think?


Mike ___________________________  walk in the park.


3. I really don't want to go out tonight.


I ___________________________  out tonight.


4. Astronomy fascinates Kate and she spends hours reading about it.


Kate ___________________________  spends hours reading about it.


5. If you stop smoking, you will feel much better for it.


You'll feel much better if ___________________________ .


6. I told you I would lend you the money and I will.


I ___________________________  money and I will.


7. I wish I had rung him earlier.


I ___________________________  ring him earlier.


8. The Wilsons are leaving shortly so go and tell them what we agreed.


The Wilsons ___________________________  so go and tell them what we agreed.



                              Part 15


1. "Don't tell anyone about my wig, will you?"


___________________________   tell anyone about my wig!


2. I won't work late again. That would be the third time this week. I won't do it!


Mr. Hamley ___________________________  as he has already done so twice this month.


3. We couldn't afford The Regal Hotel so we stayed somewhere cheaper.


The ___________________________   so we stayed somewhere cheaper.


4. "Do you both work together?", she asked the twins.


She ___________________________  together.


5. Is it OK if I open the window a little Miss Jackson?


Miss Jackson,___________________________  the window?


6. Despite looking everywhere, he never found his wallet.


He didn't find ___________________________  everywhere.


7. Imagine your father returning home now! What would he say?


Just ___________________________  home now! What would he say?


8. I imagine you had a great time in Tunisia.


You___________________________  had a great time in Tunisia.



                                Part 16


1. "It would be better to wait a year before going to university."


Peter ___________________________ to university for another year.


2. You will see better results if you study harder Pete.


Pete's mother ___________________________ saying he would see better results.


3. I really don't like sitting down all day.


I ___________________________ chairs all day.


4. Do you like the work you do here, John?


Are you ___________________________ you do here, John?


5. They had argued but were friends again by the time of the party.


They ___________________________ and were friends again by the time of the party.


6. Mrs Patterson would sit on that old rocking chair for hours telling us

stories from her childhood.


Mrs Patterson ___________________________ old rocking chair for hours telling us

stories from her childhood.


7. I regret not studying more in the final weeks.


If ___________________________ more in the final weeks.


8. It really annoys me how people use cell phones on the bus.


I ___________________________ cell phones on the bus.


                               Part 17


1. "You'd better not speak to me like that again!" he said to me.


I ___________________________ to him like that again.


2. Don't ask Hannah here to have lunch on Friday. If you do, I won't stay to meet her.


If ___________________________ on Friday, I won't stay to meet her.


3. Do you think it would be a good idea to get my hair cut?


Would ___________________________ hair cut?


4. I told him he should go and speak to his mother.


___________________________  to speak to his mother.


5. If you don't call me, I won't know where you are!


I won't know ___________________________ you call me!


6. We should leave now if we don't want to miss the start of the performance.


It's ___________________________ or we'll miss the start of the performance.


7. Let's go to "The Blue Whale" where it's less crowded.


"The Blue Whale" is ___________________________ here, so let's go there.


8. I would prefer to stay at home tonight.


I ___________________________ tonight.



                             Part 18


1. They blamed the theft of the missing computer on Jenkins.


Jenkins ___________________________ the missing computer.


2. OK, I can see you tomorrow evening at six.


My boss ___________________________ at six the following evening.


3. Don't say you're ill if you're not!


Don't ___________________________ you're not!


4. I haven't eaten ice cream for six months.


I ___________________________ six months ago.


5. Are we allowed to drink coffee in this part of the building?


___________________________ in this part of the building?


6. Should you be in here Mark?


Are ___________________________ Mark?


7. Why don't you help me more around the house?


I ___________________________ more around the house.


8. The hill was slippery because of the rain so we had difficulty climbing.


The rain ___________________________ so we had difficulty climbing.



                                Part 19


1. It wasn't me who took the book. I didn't touch it!


I ___________________________ the book.


2. I can take you to the airport if your flight is early.


I ___________________________ Jenny to the airport for the following morning.


3. "Why not try for Harvard University Karen?"


He ___________________________ apply to Harvard University.


4. Could I stay with you in Chicago for a few day, John?


Could ___________________________  Chicago for a few days?


5. I don't know how you tolerate such a miserable person.


How do you ___________________________ is so miserable?


6. I would like to be thinner.


I ___________________________ fat.


7. "Well done! You got the job," her mother said.


Her mother ___________________________ job.


8. "It was Peter who stole the fruit," Jenny shouted.


Jenny ___________________________ stealing the fruit.



                        Part 20


1. Though I haven't seen him for a month, we have spoken by phone.


Carol ___________________________ on the phone.


2. Visit my doctor, Dr. Hamish, if your arm is still hurting


My brother ___________________________ his doctor if my arm continued hurting.


3. I won't come. I have told you I am busy.


I ___________________________ as I am busy.


4. It isn't possible that Jane was absent from work today.


Jane ___________________________ work today.


5. I drive both a sports car and an off-road vehicle.


In ___________________________ , I also drive an off-road vehicle.


6. Barry continued to smoke even though his doctor told him to quit.


___________________________ not to, Barry continued to smoke.


7. Only a few books were left at the yard sale when we left.


___________________________ been sold when we left the yard sale.


8. Was it really necessary to buy such an expensive bottle of wine?


Was there ___________________________ an expensive bottle of wine?



                              Part 21


1. How much do these leather shoes cost?


What ___________________________ leather shoes?


2. It's not important if you come to work today or not.


It ___________________________ you come to work today or not.


3. Parking is prohibited in all areas of the business park.


You ___________________________ the business park.


4. Mark's biggest problem is that he often ignores what I say in class.


His biggest problem is that he ___________________________ to what I say in class.


5. Your sister said she had told you everything.


Your sister ___________________________ everything.


6. If we light the fire, the rescuers will see us.


We ___________________________ rescuers if we light the fire.


7. For us to win this match now would be impossible.


There is ___________________________ this match now.


8. Don't tell anyone this information


___________________________ yourself.



                           Part 22


1. Fred asked the cost of one night in the hotel.


"How ___________________________ per night, please?"


2. The last time I went to the museum was a week ago.


I ___________________________ museum for a week.


3. It is certainly a good example of Van Gogh's work.


There's ___________________________ a good example of Van Gogh's work.


4. Pay attention to me!


___________________________ saying!


5. I regret leaving my job now.


I___________________________ my job.


6. "I went to the cinema before going to the cafe," he said.


He said he ___________________________ before the cafe.


7. I've never seen so many people in this bar before.


This is ___________________________ ever seen so many people in this bar.


8. You should tell her what you think and let her decide.


You ___________________________ what you think and let her decide.


                           Part 23


1. Don't continue to speak if I've asked you a question.


Don't ___________________________ have asked you a question.


2. We arrive at the castle one hour after we leave the hotel.


It ___________________________ to the castle.


3. Can you take care of Mary on Saturday evening for us?


Can ___________________________ Saturday evening for us?


4. Is that wallet yours, John?


Does ___________________________ , John?


5. You have only just started work on this project.


You ___________________________ this project.


6. In this office, I am responsible for the sales department.


I am ___________________________ department.


7. When I see Lucy, I always think of my youngest sister.


Lucy ___________________________ younger sister.


8. This is the cheapest typewriter you can buy.


There ___________________________ on the market.



                               Part 24


1. Heavy rain has caused the cancellation of the outdoor garden party.


___________________________ , the garden party has been cancelled.


2. There isn't enough space for me to park my car there.


My car ___________________________ in that space.


3. Phone me immediately after you arrive at the conference.


___________________________ at the conference, telephone me.


4. Who does this pen belong to?


Do you know ___________________________ ?


5. The amount of money spent on the project makes it very important.


This project ___________________________ owing to the money spent on it.


6. At first, I couldn't speak Russian. Now I find it easy.


Eventually, I ___________________________ Russian.


7. Is your house big enough to take us if we come and stay for a few days?


Is there ___________________________ if we come and stay for a few days?


8. Although it was raining, we had the barbecue.


In___________________________ , we had the barbecue.



                            Part 25


1. Do you regret leaving your job now?


Do you wish ___________________________ job now?


2. Could you try a little harder to listen to what I'm saying?


Can you ___________________________ listen to what I'm saying?


3. It doesn't matter which chemical you put into the mixture first.

The results will be the same.


It ___________________________ you put into the mixture first.


4. My mother said I could go with you only if I return home by 5pm.


I can go with you ___________________________ home by 5pm.


5. Unfortunately, I couldn't see you because I didn't have time.


If I had had more time, I ___________________________ see you.


6. These windows need cleaning again.


These windows will ___________________________ .


7. It wasn't a good idea resigning from your job before you have another one.


It would ___________________________ hadn't resigned from your job.


8. Hardly any of the cars on special offer were left when we arrived.


By the time we arrived, ___________________________ had been bought.


                                Part 26


1. The Queen is launching this ship tomorrow morning.


This ___________________________ the Queen tomorrow morning.


2. Could you try and spend a little less on Christmas presents this year.


i ___________________________ money on Christmas presents this year.


3. If you find a dress cheaper in another store, can you tell me?


___________________________  if you find the dress cheaper elsewhere.


4. Can you distribute these tests to the other students Kathy?


Can you ___________________________  Kathy?


5. The report says a child was operating the machine.


According to the report, ___________________________ by a child.


6. I didn't see anyone wearing yellow at the dinner.


There ___________________________ at the dinner.


7. I can't wait to see Margaret's face when we arrive.


I'm ___________________________ Margaret's face when we arrive.


8. Once you give me a full description of the hotel, I can decide whether or not to go there.


I can decide to go to the hotel after ___________________________.



                        Part 27


1. In my opinion, it was an error to give him so much money so young.


He ___________________________ so much money at such a young age.


2. Do you think this antique vase is good value for money?


In your opinion, is ___________________________ buying?


3. The lesson was cancelled as only three students came.


Only ___________________________ the lesson, so it was cancelled.


4. The picnic was cancelled due to the rain.


The picnic ___________________________ rain.


5. When you get to the large oak tree, keep going until you get to the lake.


After getting to the large oak tree, ___________________________ until you get to the lake.


6. This is the most expensive book we've seen so far in this shop.


There hasn't ___________________________ than this in the shop so far.


7. Whose is this bicycle?


Who ___________________________ to?


8. She doesn't usually eat three meals a day, so she got full pretty quickly.


She ___________________________three meals a day, so she got full quickly.



                              Part 28


1. That fence is there to prevent you entering the grounds of the house.


They put the fence there ___________________________ enter the grounds of the house.


2. Does your brother have the ability to take so many exams in the same week?


Is ___________________________ so many exams in the same week?


3. We were able to cross the river, despite the strong current.


We ___________________________ despite the strong current.


4. I would prefer you to leave now. Goodbye.


___________________________ now. Goodbye.


5. I think you should say sorry for your behavior.


I think ___________________________ behavior.


6. I have a lot to do so I can't come with you to the cinema this afternoon.


I have ___________________________ to be able to come to the cinema.


7. Entrance into the museum is free today.


It ___________________________ the museum today.


8. All the cars have been cleaned except the manager's.


The manager's is the ___________________________ been cleaned.



                            Part 29


1. None of the phones were left when we got to the shop.


___________________________ the shop, all the phones had been sold.


2. I didn't know it was Carl until he took off his hat.


Only ___________________________ his hat did I recognise Carl.


3. Don't waste your time asking Bryan to come with us.


It's ___________________________ to come with us.


4. Perhaps John heard the story from Pippa.


Pippa might ___________________________ story.


5. Until they fire me as manager here, I'll run the company my way.


___________________________  the boss, I'll run the company my way.


6. The school's management are investigating allegations of teacher brutality.


Allegations of teacher brutality ___________________________ the school's management.


7. It's not possible that you saw Mary last night, she was with us!


You ___________________________ last night, she was with us!


8. The beach was fun even though it was too cold.


___________________________ too cold, the beach was fun.



           Step 6: English idioms


English idioms, proverbs, and expressions are an important part of everyday English.

They come up all the time in both written and spoken English. Because idioms don't always

make sense literally (if you consider each word separately), you'll need to familiarize yourself

with the meaning and usage of each idiom. That may seem like a lot of work, but learning

idioms is fun, especially when you compare English idioms to the idioms in your own language.





        Idiom                                  Meaning                                              Usage

  A blessing in disguise        a good thing that seemed bad at first            as part of a sentence

  It's not rocket science        it's not complicated                                    by itself

  No pain, no gain                You have to work for what you want            by itself

  Under the weather                       sick                                                as part of a sentence

  Cost an arm and a leg            very expensive                                       as part of a sentence

  a snake in the grass         one who pretends to be a friend                    as part of a sentence

                                       but is not a true friend, wants to deceive  

 on clude nine                              extremely happy                               as part of a sentence


* Body Idioms (choose one for each space)


Chip on the shoulder                                            Get it off your chest
Have the stomach for a fight                                Have your finger in many pies.
Have your head in the clouds                                Have your head screwed on straight
Head over heels in love                                        Pig's ear
Head start                                                            Keep your chin up
Keep your ear to the ground                                    Lip service
Look down your nose at people        


1. Even if he gave you a  _____________________ ,  he would still win. He's very fast!!


2. You have made a total _____________________ of that cake! We will have to start all

over again!!


3. If you are so worried and stressed about this problem, you should go and speak to your

boss and _____________________.


4. Look, I know it's been a terrible day, but try and _____________________. Your holidays

start next week.


5. _____________________and tell me if you find out something before I do.


6. He has always been considered a very wise, sensible person. He definitely _____________________.


7. I think she is totally besotted with him. She thinks about him all day and seems to be __________________.


8. First he started that company that makes sofas. Then he began selling computer software

and now he has started his own website. He has always _____________________.


9. I think the problem with Maggie is that she _____________________and thinks she is better

than anyone else. All because her father has so much money.


10. It's not that he doesn't like you Mike. He hates anyone who went to university. He has a

real _____________________about it!!


11. The manager acted very tough at the beginning of the dispute but, in the end,

didn't _____________________ once the workers called a strike.


12. He is not stupid. His problem is that his concentration is terrible and he spends most

of the day thinking about his crazy travel dreams. He _____________________.


13. I heard everything he said but it was all just _____________________. He didn't mean a

word of it and he doesn't care at all about this problem.



             * Animal Idioms 

(read the idioms, then look at the sentences /TASK AI-1/ and choose one for each space)


* fly on the wall          

        (To be a fly on the wall means to be unnoticed while watching or listening to something.)

 * bee's knees         

        (If something is the bee’s knees, that means it is excellent and of the highest quality. 

         You could also say someone is the bee’s knees.)     

 * sitting duck        

        (A sitting duck is an easy target, something or someone which is vulnerable to attack.)

 * to chicken out      

        (To chicken out of something means to back out of it because of feeling scared or worried.) 

  * a wild goose chase 

        (A wild goose chase is a pointless task, particularly one that involves travel.) 

  * to take the bull by the horns

        (This means to face a problem directly. Sometimes you might hear someone say

           to ‘grab’ a bull by its horns, which means the same thing.) 

  * until the cows come home

        (Until the cows come home means for a long, possibly even never-ending length of time. It’s usually

         used when talking about something that you ‘could do’ for a long time, because you enjoy it.)

  * dark horse

        (A dark horse is somebody who is surprisingly good at something you might not expect them to be. 

         This could be used to describe someone in a competition who places much higher than expected or

         someone who surprises you with their skill.)

  *Hold your horses.

        (To hold your horses means to wait.)

  *Straight from the horse's mouth.

        (If you hear something straight from the horse’s mouth, that means you are hearing it straight from 
        the source; from somebody who has direct and personal experience.)

  *In two shakes of a lamb's tail.

        (In two shakes of a lamb’s tail means in a very short amount of time.)       

  *To let the cat out of the bag.

        (To let the cat out of the bag means to reveal a secret. This could be accidentally or it could 
         be on purpose.)      

  *To let the sleeping dogs lie.

        (To let sleeping dogs lie means to leave a situation alone, to not interfere so you don’t cause trouble.)  

  *In the dog house.

        (To be in the doghouse means to be in trouble or disgrace. Usually because you’ve upset or angered 
        somebody with something you’ve done or not done.)  

  *Ants in your pants.

        (If you have ants in your pants, that means you are restless and moving around a lot, usually because
         you are nervous or excited.)  

  *To smell a rat.

        (To smell a rat means to be suspicious of a lie.)  


        (If something is fishy, that means it is suspicious.)  
 *To have bigger fish to fry
        (If you have bigger fish to fry, that means you have more important or better things to do.)  
 *Elephant in the room
        (An elephant in the room is something obvious and uncomfortable which has not been discussed.)  
 *To have the lion's share
        (To have or get the lion’s share of something means to have the largest amount of something.) 
Task AI-1


1. I’ll be back with a cup of tea ____________________________.

2. I could sit here and read ________________________ but unfortunately, I’ve got work to do.

3. They’re discussing the argument now. I’d love to be _______________ so I could hear what 

   they were saying.

4. Person 1: (walks through the door) Hello.

Person 2: Brilliant, you’re home. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about-

Person 1: ___________________, I’ve only been here two seconds.


5. She said she couldn’t come to my birthday party because she had other 

   plans but ___________________.

6. Don’t worry about the invitations, you ________________________.  You need to 

    find a venue.

7. This chocolate cake is ____________________. You have to try it!

8. If we leave the shop doors unlocked it’ll be ___________________.

9. “I think it’s time I ________________________… I’m pregnant!


10.  Person 1: “I’m so angry, I’m going to call her right now and argue with her.”

Person 2: “Wait a minute. Don’t you think it might be better just 

                                                        to ________________________?”


11. James was going to go on the rollercoaster but he __________________ 

      at the last minute.

12. She sent me to the supermarket to buy socks but they don’t even sell 

      socks so it was _____________________.

13."Wow, Beth, before the race you were ________________ - nobody knew you 

      could run so well!”

14. I don’t usually pay attention to gossip but I heard this ________________________________.

15. He forgot about his girlfriend’s birthday so now he’s _____________________.


16. Person 1: “You’ve got ______________________  today.”

Person 2: (pacing) “I’m so nervous about this job interview- I can’t sit still!”


17. There’s something ________________going on in that office. 

        Something’s not quite right with their numbers.

18. As the main character in Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe gets _________________

       of the praise but I think all of the other actors are just as good.”

19. Obviously I know that he’s said horrible things about me but I didn’t mention 

      it so there’s an _____________________.

20. I hate confrontation but I’m so angry that I’m going to have to 

        ______________________ and tell her.”



             Step 7: Reading

                                            Text 1: The Earth's plates

Read about the Earth's tectonic plates, then answer the questions about the text, choosing either A, B, or C as the best answer.


Most earthquakes are caused by large-scale movements of the Earth's lithospheric plates. and occur at the boundaries between the plates. Experts recognize seven to twelve major plates and a number of smaller ones. The plates take their names from continents (the North American plate): from oceans (the Pacific plate): and from geographic areas (the Arabian plate).

Slow and Steady Motion

The plates are in very slow but constant motion, so that seen from above, the Earth's surface might look like a slowly moving spherical jigsaw puzzle. The plates move at rates of 2 to 15 cm or several inches in a year, about as fast as our fingernails grow. On a human scale, this is a rate of movement that only the most sophisticated instruments can detect. But on the scale of geological time, it's a dizzying speed. At this rate, those almost-four-billion-year old rocks could have traveled all the way around the Earth eleven times.

The movement of the plates is generally one of three kinds: spreading, colliding or sliding. When plates are spreading, or separating from each other, we call their movement divergent. When they are colliding, or pushing each other, we call the movement convergent. Movement in which plates slide past each other is called lateral (or transform) plate movement. Earthquakes can accompany each of the three types of movement.

Plate Tectonics

The revolutionary theory of plate tectonics originated early in the 20th century, although it did not gain general acceptance until the late 1960s. The German meteorologist, geophysicist, and explorer Alfred L Wegener is now given credit for the first step in understanding the movement of the lithosphere. In the period 1910-1912 he formulated the theory called continental drift and collected evidence from the rocks, fossils, and climate of various continents to show that they had once been joined together. Wegener had little data on the oceanic crust, so he thought that the continents merely moved through that crust.


1. Earthquakes occur when what parts of the tectonic plates collide?

      A  the edges

      the centres

      C the peaks

2. Tectonic plates can get their names from what?

      A  cities

      B  rivers

      C  seas

3. Why is the phrase "jigsaw puzzle" used in the second paragraph?

      A  to show how complex everything is

      B  because of the way the plates fit together

      C because of the number of plates

4. Why have the plates travelled so far?

      A because they are moving quite fast

      B because Earth is not very big

      C because of the age of the Earth

5. Can earthquakes be caused when plates are moving away from each other?

     A  yes

     B  no

     C only if they are touching

6. Why did Wegener's theory take so long to be accepted?

     A he had no understanding of the ocean floor

     B it was very different from previous ideas in this area

     C he made several errors in his theory

7. What evidence did Wegener NOT use to support his theory of Continental Drift when looking at two now-distant locations?

     A the existence of similar rocks

     B the  existence of similar extinct animals

     C the existence of similar races of people


                    Text 2: The Domestications of Cats

Read about the domestication of cats, then answer the questions about the text, choosing either A, B, or C as the best answer.


For centuries, the common view of how domestication had occurred was that prehistoric people, realizing how useful it would be to have captive herds of food animals, began capturing wild animals and breeding them. Over time, by allowing only animals with "tame" characteristics to mate and produce offspring, human beings created animals that were less wild and more dependent upon people. Eventually this process led to the domestic farm animals and pets that we know today, many of which would fare quite badly in the wild, having lost their ancient survival skills and instincts.


Recent research suggests that this view of domestication is incomplete. Prehistoric human beings did capture and breed useful wild animals, and those species became tamer over time (they generally changed physically, too, developing larger bodies and smaller brains than their wild cousins). But specialists in animal behavior now think that domestication was not simply something people did to animals - the animals played an active part in the process. Wolves and wild horses, for example, may have taken the first steps in their own domestication by hanging around human settlements, feeding on people's garbage and crops and getting used to human presence and activity. Individual animals that were not too nervous or fearful to live near people produced offspring that also tolerated humans, making it easier for people to capture and tame them.


In this version, people succeeded in domesticating only animals that had already adapted easily to life around humans. Domestication required an animal that was willing to become domestic. The process was more like a dance with two partners than a triumph of humans over animals.


At first glance, the taming of cats seems to fit nicely into this new story of domestication. A traditional theory says that after prehistoric people in the Near East and Egypt invented agriculture and started farming, rats and mice gathered to feast on their stored grain. Wildcats, in turn, gathered at the same places to prey on the rats and mice. Over time, cats got used to people and people got used to cats, until at some point cats were tame. New studies of wildcats, however, seem to call this theory into question. Wildcats don't share hunting and feeding territories, and they don't live close to people or seek out human settlements as food sources. Experts do not know whether wildcats were partners in their own domestication. They do know that long after people had acquired domestic dogs, sheep, goats. cattle, and horses, they somehow acquired tame cats. By mating the least aggressive cats with one another, they produced animals with increasingly tame qualities.


1. According to traditional theories of domestication, how were wild animals tamed?

      A  selective breeding

      capturing only smaller animals

      C aggression and control

2. What is suggested in the new theory?

      A  that animals were less afraid than thought

      B  that wolves and horses were the first to be domesticated

      C  that animals had an active role in their domestication

3. Why is the word "dance" used in the 3rd paragraph?

      A  that animals and humans were close

      B  there were two active partners

      C that it was complex and not simple to understand

4. What probably attracted cats to human settlements?

      A warmth

      B other cats

      C food

5. What characteristic of the cat causes a problem for the theory that cats were domesticated like wolves were?

     A  independence

     B  greed

     C friendliness


                                          Text 3: Magicians

Read about three magicians, then answer the questions about the text. For each question, choose which magician is the correct answer.


Harry Houdini

He began his magic career in 1891. At the outset, he had little success. He performed in sideshows, and even doubled as "The Wild Man" at a circus. Houdini focused initially on traditional card tricks. At one point, he billed himself as the "King of Cards". But he soon began experimenting with escape acts.

In 1893, while performing with his brother, Dash, at Coney Island as "The Brothers Houdini", Harry met a fellow performer, Wilhelmina Beatrice "Bess" Rahner. She and Houdini married in 1894, with Bess replacing Dash in the act, which became known as "The Houdinis." For the rest of Houdini's performing career, Bess would work as his stage assistant.

Houdini's big break came in 1899 when he met manager Martin Beck in rural Woodstock, Illinois. Impressed by Houdini's handcuffs act, Beck advised him to concentrate on escape acts and booked him on the Orpheum vaudeville circuit. Within months, he was performing at the top vaudeville houses in the country. In 1900, Beck arranged for Houdini to tour Europe. After some days of unsuccessful interviews in London, Houdini managed to interest Dundas Slater, then manager of the Alhambra Theatre. He gave a demonstration of escape from handcuffs at Scotland Yard, and succeeded in baffling the police so effectively that he was booked at the Alhambra for six months.

Derren Brown

Derren Brown is a British illusionist, mentalist, trickster, hypnotist, painter, writer, and sceptic. He is known for his appearances in television specials, stage productions, and British television series such as Trick of the Mind and Trick or Treat. Though his performances of mind-reading and other feats of mentalism may appear to be the result of psychic or paranormal practices, he claims no such abilities and frequently denounces those who do. Brown states at the beginning of his Trick of the Mind programmes that he achieves his results using a combination of "suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship".

Brown was born to Bob and Chris Brown in Purley, Croydon, London, England. He has a brother, who is nine years his junior. Brown was privately educated at Whitgift School in South Croydon (where his father coached swimming), and studied Law and German at the University of Bristol. While there, he attended a hypnotist show by Martin Taylor, which inspired him to turn to illusion and hypnosis as a career. Whilst an undergraduate, he started working as a conjuror, performing the traditional skills of close-up magic in bars and restaurants. In 1992, he started performing stage shows at the University of Bristol under the stage name Darren V. Brown.

Brown was an Evangelical Christian in his teens, and became an atheist in his twenties. Brown said he sought to strengthen his belief and provide answers to common criticisms of religion by reading the Bible and other Christian religious texts, but upon doing so found none of the answers he sought and came to the conclusion that his belief had no basis.

Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger was born in New York City. He headlined throughout the Keith-Orpheum Circuit, and was much in demand for private entertainment. At the age of seventeen he was invited to perform at the home of Theodore Roosevelt in Oyster Bay and at the home of the inventor Thomas A. Edison, both of whom were avid admirers of his mysticism.

Dunninger was a debunker of fraudulent mediums. He claimed to replicate through trickery all spiritualist phenomena. He wrote the book Inside the Medium's Cabinet which exposed the tricks of mediumship. He also exposed how the indian rope trick could be performed by camera trickery.

Dunninger had a standing offer of $10,000 to anyone who could prove that he used paid assistants for his tricks. He often said he could raise that offer to $100,000. Through Scientific American magazine and the Universal Council for Psychic Research, Dunninger made this offer to any medium who could produce by psychic or supernatural means any physical phenomena that he could not reproduce by natural means. Dunninger appeared on radio starting in 1943, and on television frequently in the 1950s and 60s.


1. Which magician made it clear he doesn't use real magic?

      A  Brown


      C  Houdini

2. Which magician went to have a lot of success abroad?

      A  Brown


      C  Houdini

3. Which magician enjoyed showing other performers were dishonest?

      A  Brown


      C  Houdini

4. Which magician enjoyed media success late in his career?

      A  Brown


      C  Houdini

5. Which magician had ambitions to work in magic after seeing another performer? 

      A  Brown


      C  Houdini

6. Which magician was initially a failure?

      A  Brown


      C  Houdini

7. Which magician abandoned many of his beliefs as he grew up?

      A  Brown


      C  Houdini

8. Which magician worked with a family member?

      A  Brown


      C  Houdini

9. Which magician was already performing before becoming an adult?

      A  Brown


      C  Houdini


                            Text 4: Three South American Leaders

Read about three South American leaders, then answer the questions about the text. For each question, choose which magician is the correct answer.


Juan Domingo Perón

Juan Domingo Perón was an Argentine military officer and politician. After serving in several government positions, including those of Minister of Labour and Vice President of the Republic, he was three times elected as President of Argentina, serving from June 1946 to September 1955, when he was overthrown by a coup d'état, and from October 1973 to July 1974.

During his first presidential term (1946-1952), Perón was supported by his second wife, Eva Duarte ("Evita"), and the two were immensely popular among many Argentines. Eva died in 1952, and Perón was elected to a second term, serving from 1952 until 1955. During the following period of two military dictatorships, interrupted by one civilian government, the Peronist party was outlawed and Perón was exiled. When the left-wing Peronist Hector Cámpora was elected President in 1973, Perón returned to Argentina and was soon after elected President for a third time. His third wife, María Estela Martínez, known as Isabel Perón, was elected as Vice President on his ticket and succeeded him as President upon his death in 1974.

Juan and Evita Perón are still considered icons by the Peronists. The Peróns' followers praised their efforts to eliminate poverty and to dignify labor, while their detractors considered them demagogues and dictators. The Peróns gave their name to the political movement known as Peronism, which in present-day Argentina is represented mainly by the Justicialist Party.

Salvador Allende

Salvador Allende was a Chilean physician and politician, known as the first Marxist to become president of a Latin American country through open elections.

Allende's involvement in Chilean political life spanned a period of nearly forty years. As a member of the Socialist Party, he was a senator, deputy and cabinet minister. He unsuccessfully ran for the presidency in the 1952, 1958, and 1964 elections. In 1970, he won the presidency in a close three-way race, formally elected by Congress as no candidate had gained a majority.

As president, Allende adopted a policy of nationalization of industries and collectivization; due to these and other factors, increasingly strained relations between him and the legislative and judicial branches of the Chilean government (who did not share his enthusiasm for socialization of Chile) eventually culminated in a declaration of a "constitutional breakdown" by the parliament. On 11 September 1973 the military moved to oust Allende in a coup d'état. As troops surrounded La Moneda Palace, Allende gave his last speech vowing not to resign. He was killed later that day.

Following Allende's deposition, army General Augusto Pinochet declined to return authority to the civilian government; and Chile became ruled by a military junta that was in power from 1973 to 1990, ending almost 48 years of Chilean democratic rule. The military junta that took over became known for persecuting dissidents extensively.

Simón Bolívar

Simón Bolívar was a Venezuelan military and political leader. Bolívar played a key role in Latin America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire, and is today considered one of the most influential politicians in the history of the Americas.

Following the triumph over the Spanish monarchy, Bolívar participated in the foundation of the first union of independent nations in Hispanic-America, a republic, now known as Gran Colombia, of which he was president from 1819 to 1830. Despite ordering widespread atrocities in his Decree of War to the Death, Bolívar is regarded as a hero, visionary, revolutionary, and liberator in Hispanic-America.

During his lifetime, he led Venezuela, Colombia (including Panama at the time), Ecuador, Peru (together with Don José de San Martín), and Bolivia to independence. Admirers claim that he helped lay the foundations for democracy in much of Latin America.

On 17 December 1830, at the age of forty-seven, Simón Bolívar died after a painful battle with tuberculosis in Santa Marta, Gran Colombia (now Colombia). On his deathbed, Bolívar asked his assistant, General Daniel F. O'Leary to burn the remaining, extensive archive of his writings, letters, and speeches. O'Leary disobeyed the order and his writings survived, providing historians with a wealth of information about Bolívar's liberal philosophy and thought, as well as details of his personal life, such as his long love affair with Manuela Sáenz.


1. Which South American leader attempted to prevent people reading his thoughts?

      A  Allende


      C  Peron

2. Which South American leader led a country that doesn't exist any more?

      A  Allende


      C  Peron

3. Which South American leader was repeatedly leader of his country?

      A  Allende


      C  Peron

4. Which South American leader had political views that put him in conflict with the country's parliament?

      A  Allende


      C  Peron

5. Which South American leader failed in repeated attempts to gain power?

      A  Allende


      C  Peron

6. Which South American leader was forced to leave the country?

      A  Allende


      C  Peron

7. Which South American leader was killed by unnatural causes?

      A  Allende


      C  Peron

8. Which South American leader fought against a colonial power?

      A  Allende


      C  Peron

9. Which South American leader had a very popular wife?

      A  Allende


      C  Peron



                   Text 5: Social networks

Business applications
Social networks connect people at low cost; this can be beneficial for entrepreneurs and small

businesses looking to expand their contact base. These networks often act as a customer relationship

management tool for companies selling products and services. Companies can also use social 

networks for advertising in the form of banners and text ads. Since businesses 

operate globally, social networks can make it easier to keep in touch with contacts around 

the world.


Medical applications
Social networks are beginning to be adopted by healthcare professionals as a means to 

manage institutional knowledge, disseminate peer to peer knowledge and to highlight 

individual physicians and institutions. The advantage of using a dedicated medical social 

networking site is that all the members are screened against the state licensing board

list of practitioners. The role of social networks is especially of interest to pharmaceutical 

companies who spend approximately "32 percent of their marketing dollars" attempting 

to influence the opinion leaders of social networks.


Languages, nationalities and academia
Various social networking sites have sprung up catering to different languages and 

countries. The popular site Facebook has been cloned for various countries and languages

and some specializing in connecting students and faculty.


Social networks for social good
Several websites are beginning to tap into the power of the social networking model for 

social good. Such models may be highly successful for connecting otherwise fragmented 

industries and small organizations without the resources to reach a broader audience with

interested and passionate users. Users benefit by interacting with a like-minded

community and finding a channel for their energy and giving.


Business model
Few social networks currently charge money for membership. In part, this may be because

social networking is a relatively new service, and the value of using them has not been firmly

established in customers' minds. Companies such as MySpace and Facebook sell online 

advertising on their site. Hence, they are seeking large memberships, and charging for 

membership would be counter productive. Some believe that the deeper information that 

the sites have on each user will allow much better targeted advertising than any other site can 

currently provide. Sites are also seeking other ways to make money, such as by creating

an online marketplace or by selling professional information and social connections to businesses.


Privacy issues
On large social networking services, there have been growing concerns about users giving out 

too much personal information and the threat of sexual predators. Users of these services need 

to be aware of data theft or viruses. However, large services, such as MySpace, often work with 

law enforcement to try to prevent such incidents. In addition, there is a perceived privacy

 threat in relation to placing too much personal information in the hands of large corporations

 or governmental bodies, allowing a profile to be produced on an individual's behavior on which 

decisions, detrimental to an individual, may be taken.


Social network services are increasingly being used in legal and criminal investigations. Information 

posted on sites such as MySpace and Facebook, has been used by police, probation, and university

 officials to prosecute users of said sites. In some situations, content posted on MySpace has been 

used in court.


1  According to the text, social networks .......

 advertise on business web sites.  

are being used by businesses for marketing. 
are about friendships.  
can damage business reputations.   

2  Why do advertisers like social nework sites?


They are cost-effective to advertise on.  
Most users have high disposable income.  
Detailed information on each user allows targeted ads.  
They can influence consumer behaviour.  


3  What does the expression 'sprung up' in paragraph 4 mean?

there has been rapid development of social networking sites  
the development of social networking is unplanned  

everybody is trying to copy Facebook  

social networking works in all languages   


4  What does the word 'Few' at the beginning of paragraph 6 mean?

Not any  
Hardly any  

5  What should users not do on social networks?

be too free with their personal information  

download viruses  
contact predators  
upload copyrighted music  

6  What does the word 'deeper' in paragraph 6 mean?

more spiritual  
more detailed  

more profound  
more emphatic  

7  Personal information on social network sites .......

can be used in court  
gives a good description of the user's personality  
 is sold to the government  
 is translated into many languages  

8  Social networking is great for ......




                Text 6



Sundance by Teresa Wilson


I really don't know why this book is so popular. I mean, I suppose it is going to

appeal to young girls who want danger and romance, but I found this book really

tedious. For a start, the characters were really unconvincing. The author went 

out of her way to add lots of details about the characters, but I found these

details really pointless. I thought that some of the facts she presented about 

the main characters would become significant in some way later in the novel, 

but they didn't. They were just worthless bits of information. I also was 

disappointed that, although this book is meant to be about kids at high school,

the writer seems to have no recollection at all about what it's like to be 17. 

The main character thought and acted like a 32-year old. It just wasn't 

believable. I'm not saying Teresa Wilson is a bad writer. She can obviously 

string words together and come up with a story that is appealing to a large 

number of people, but she lacks anything original. There is no flair. It just 

uses the same sort of language as you can see in many other mediocre novels.


Wild Ways by Margery Emerson


I have to say that I won't forget this book for a long time. I was hooked

from the very first chapter. The devastating story affected me so much

that I don't know if I'll ever feel the same again. I was close to tears 

on several occasions. I've got images in my brain now that I don't think

will ever leave me. It's incredibly well-researched and, although it is 

fiction, is based on shocking real-life events. I learned an awful lot about

things that went on that I never knew before. Margaret Emerson has a 

brilliant way with words and I really felt real empathy towards the 

characters, although I was sometimes irritated by the choices they made.

However, the parallel story, the part that is set in the present, is not 

quite so good. I found myself just flicking through that part so that I 

could get back to 1940s Paris.



Orchid by Henry Rathbone


This is a delightful novel full of wonderful imagery, a paints a remarkable

picture of life in a distant time and a far-away place. If you're looking to

learn about Eastern culture in great detail, then this is probably not the 

book for you, as the writer skims over most of the more complicated 

aspects of the country's etiquette. The historical aspects are also not 

covered in much depth. However, I wonder whether this was the 

writer's intention. By doing this, he symbolise the superficiality of the

girl's life. She, like the book, is beautiful and eager to please, but 

remains too distant from us, the readers, to teach us much. Although 

I loved the book and read it in one sitting, the ending was a bit of a 

disappointment. A story which involves so much turmoil, in a place 

where the future is uncertain, should not have a happy-ever-after 

fairy-tale ending.


High Hills by Mary Holland


I read this book for a literature class. I know it's a classic, and I did try

to like it, but I just didn't get into it. I kept persevering, hoping that 

I'd start to enjoy it, but no such luck. The famous scene out on the 

moors was definitely the best bit of the book, but even that I found 

ridiculous when it is clearly supposed to be passionate. As I approached

the end of the book, I figured there must be some kind of moral to the

story, something that I would learn from the experience of trudging

through seven hundred long pages, but there was nothing worthwhile. 

I don't know why the literary world sees this book as such a masterpiece.

The characters are portrayed as being intelligent, but they do such stupid

things! And as for it being a love story - marrying someone you don't 

love and then being abused by them - that doesn't spell love to me.


Answer: Which person read a book which.....


1. was set in an Oriental country  

A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah


2. finished in an unrealistic way 

A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah

3. had characters that the reader could sympathise with 

 A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah


4. is well-known and was written a long time ago 

A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah


5. contained two stories 

 A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah


6. was not set in the past 

 A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah


7. was historically accurate 

 A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah


8. made the reader cry 

 A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah


9. contained insignificant details 

 A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah


10. has a well-known scene 

 A: Kerry          B: Liz       C: Imogen         d: Hannnah



             Step 8: Collocations



Quiz 1 - Family

1. A friend of mine gave /took / went birth to her son at home with the help of a nurse.

2. A number of kids in my classroom come from broken / damaged / hurt homes.

3. After a hostile / cruel / bitter divorce from his wife of 20 years, the actor married a different woman.

4. I see my excepted / expanded / extended family once a year, during our annual family vacation.

5. I was raised in a very joyful / loving / tender family, in which everyone helped each other.

6. I was created / grown / raised by my grandparents after my parents passed away.

7. I'm on good friends / relations / terms with all my former boyfriends.

8. John had a carefree / careful / careless childhood, growing up with happily married parents and three brothers.

9. Many women regret giving / having / taking an abortion years afterwards.

10. My aunt's going through a messy / sloppy / untidy divorce; she's paying a fortune in legal fees.

11. My husband doesn't get along with a few of my family people / individuals / members.

12. Although my salary is low, I get child assistance / provision / support from my ex-husband.

13. My sister got / had / made pregnant immediately after she got married.

14. My son is making a diagarm of our family roots / tree / web for a school project.

15. My wife is pregnant with twins. They're come / due / here in February.

16. Sally was granted sole custody / guardian / keeping of the children from her first marriage.

17. Teenagers who had a distressed / troubled / worsened childhood often have behavior problems in school.

18. The celebrits wrote a book about his debilitated / defective / dysfunctional family.

19. The divorce contract / reimbursement / settlement awarded the wife $ 500,000.

20. There are four people in my close / immediate / neighboring family.

21. They have three biological children and two adopted / adoptive / adopting children.


Quiz 2 - Relationships

1. The process of creating friendships is called.....

a) getting friends

b) earning friends

c) making friends

2. A "close friend" is someone....

a) who lives near you

b) who is similar to you

c) with whom you have a strong relationship

3. When you develop romantic feelings for another person, you're

a) becoming passionate

b) falling in love

c) giving your heart

4. If only one of the two people has romantic feelings, we say the feeling is not...

a) mutual

b) returned

c) together

5. A polite way to say you're not attracted to someone is: "He/she's not my...."

a) kind

b) style

c) type

6. A man who marries a woman who he met when both were very youngh, has married his childhood...

a) darling

b) lover

c) sweetheart

7. When two people get married, they make a ______________ to each other...

a) commitment

b) compromise

c) guarantee

8. Many men try to find a creative and romantic way to _____________ to their girlfriends.

a) propose

b) proposition

c) purpose

9. A lot of marriages end when one member of the couple has an ......

a) affair

b) experience

c) intimacy



Quiz 3 - Appearance

comb             facial      radiant       striking    curly

medium         slender    trim        deep-set   muscular


1. This moisturizer will give you a  __________________ complexion.

2. She has a __________________ waist and wide hips.

3. He bears a  __________________ resemblance to a good friend of mine.

4. I've never liked my _________________ hair; I wish it was straight.

5. His  _________________ eyes make him look very pensive.

6. Men with ______________ hair - I think it's cool.

7. Would you please ______________ your hair? It looks like you've just gotten out of bed.

8. I'm not changing my hairstyle - I'm just getting a ______________________.

9. He has a  _____________________ build - he's not particularly strong, but not especially skinny either.

10. My soccer coach has very ___________________ legs.



Quiz 4 - Character & Behavior


1. A lot of successful enterpreneurs have not only a bright / lucid / vivid imagination, but also the willingness to work hard.

2. He really hurt my emotions / feelings / senses when he called me an idiot.

3. His superiority belief / complex / tendency makes him impossible to work with because he won't listen to suggestions.

4. I had to chew / eat / swallow my pride and apologize to Janet for overreacting to her criticism.

5. I like to date men with a great feel / sense / touch of humor.

6. In some cultures, it's considered very rude to say / speak / talk your mind.

7. It's good to get /put / set others first, but not at the expense of your own well-being.

8. Most people who work as comedians have very outgoing / tendency / upcoming personalities.

9. My brother is brutally / carefully / painfully shy, but I'm trying to encourage him to come out of his case / shell / skin.

10. My daughter gets along with her classmates, but she has a competitive spot / streak / strip when it comes to academics.

11. My husband forgives other people very easily; he's not one to bear / hurt / swallow a grudge.

12. She would never cheat on her husband; she's angrily / brutally / fiercely loyal to him.

13. The kids were suspended for playing a grudge / prank / streak on the teacher - they put a live snike inside her desk.

14. Working with a therapist has helped me overcome my problems with deep / low / small self-esteem.

15. You need to develop a fatter / harder / thicker skin; you can't let every little comment upset you.



Quiz 5 - Feelings

1. At his mother's funeral, he was so incapacitated / overwhelmed / seething with emotions that he couldn't finish his speech.

2. I was deeply / pleasantly / significantly surprised by the exelent customer service - that company really cares about its customers.

3. I'm sorry I forgot / lost / wrecked my temper with you yesterday. It was a really stressful day at work.

4. Instead of confronting his issues, he bottles / guards / rolls up his emotions and tries to pretend everything's OK.

5. It's normal to go through a helicopter / roller coaster / ocean wave of emotions after the end of a long-term relationship.

6. My mother was worried bad / ill / sick when it passed midnight and my brother still hadn't come hoe.

7. The biss was pleasantly / sickly / visibly annoyed when the employees told him about the problems.

8. The fans were seething with anger / disappointment / temper when the team lost the game in the last 5 minutes.

9. We're badly / horribly / terribly sorry, but we won't be able to go to your graduation.

10. We're blissfully / immensely / largely grateful for all the help you've given us in this project.