Technical terms


Primjer - (po par riječi) - Uskoro slijedi mnogo više (pratite stranicu).


Hemijski tehničar u farmaceutskoj proizvodnji

*absorption - the proces of a liquid, gas or other substance being taken in (physical or chemical phenomenon or a process in which atoms, molecules or ions enter some bulk phase – liquid or solid material) - apsorpcija


*acetate - a chemical compound that is made from a type of asid (acetic acid) and that is used in making plastics - acetat


*acid - a liquid substance that can dissolve metal and may burn your skin or clothes  - kiselina


* acid rebound - effect in which a great volume of acid is secreted by the stomach in response to the reduced acid environment caused by antacid neutralization - posljedica velike količine kiseline koju luči stomak kao rekcija na smanjenu prisutnost kiseline izazvane neutralizacijom

*acidification - Process that alters the pH to less than 7. - acidifikacija ili zakiseljavanje tj. proces koji mjenja vrijednost (na manju od 7)


*adsorbent- Substance that has the ability to attach other substances to its surface. - adsorbent (supstanca koja ima sposobnost adsorpcije tj sposobnost neke čvrste tvari da na svojoj graničnoj površini veže molekule plina ili otopljene tvari iz otopina, formirajući tako molekularni ili atomski film jeg nazivamo adsorbat.




Hemijski tehničar - mikrobiolog


*abiotic factors - non-living factors that can affect life, like soil, nutrients, climate, wind etc. - abiotički faktori (utjecaji nežive prirode)


*absorption - the proces of a liquid, gas or other substance being taken in (physical or chemical phenomenon or a process in which atoms, molecules or ions enter some bulk phase – liquid or solid material) - apsorpcija


*acetate - a chemical compound that is made from a type of asid (acetic acid) and that is used in making plastics - acetat


*acid - a liquid substance that can dissolve metal and may burn your skin or clothes  - kiselina


* acid rebound - effect in which a great volume of acid is secreted by the stomach in response to the reduced acid environment caused by antacid neutralization - posljedica velike količine kiseline koju luči stomak kao rekcija na smanjenu prisutnost kiseline izazvane neutralizacijom


* acid soil - Soil which has a pH value lesser than 6.6 - kiselo zemljište (zemljište koje ima manju pH vrijednost od 6,6  --- pH < 4,5 Veoma kisela --- pH 4,5 – 5,5 Kisela ----- pH 5,6 – 6,7 Umereno kisela ------- pH 6,8 – 7,2 Neutralna ------ pH > 7,2 Alkalna (bazična))


Hemijski tehničar - nutricionist

*absorption - the proces of a liquid, gas or other substance being taken in (physical or chemical phenomenon or a process in which atoms, molecules or ions enter some bulk phase – liquid or solid material) - apsorpcija


*acetate - a chemical compound that is made from a type of asid (acetic acid) and that is used in making plastics - acetat


*acid - a liquid substance that can dissolve metal and may burn your skin or clothes  - kiselina


* acid rebound - effect in which a great volume of acid is secreted by the stomach in response to the reduced acid environment caused by antacid neutralization - posljedica velike količine kiseline koju luči stomak kao rekcija na smanjenu prisutnost kiseline izazvane neutralizacijom


*Additives -  substances added to food to improve flavour, colour, and texture or to preserve foods to help extend the shelf life. - aditivi


*Adipose tissue - Adipose tissue is made up of fat-storing cells and is the primary site of fat storage in the body. - adipozno tkivo (masno tkivo, tjelesna mastnoća)


*Asorbic acid - Ascorbic acid is the chemical name for vitamin C, as found in many fruits and vegetables. - askorbinska kiselina (hemijski naziv za vitamin C, vitamin topljiv u vodi, a prisutan je u svježem voću i povrću)


Grafički tehničar - web dizajner

*alignment - is the way that the different elements in a design are arranged, usually in relation to a page or document. In typography, alignment, which can also be called range, is the setting of text relative to a column, tab or page. It’s very easy to notice when elements in a design aren’t aligned. - poravnavanje


*analogous (colours) - think of these as the neighbours of the colour world—analogous colours are colours that sit next to each other on the colour wheel. Think, in simple terms, red, orange and yellow—there’s a dominant colour, a primary or secondary colour and a tertiary colour. Analogous colours match really well and create a proper colour harmony—resulting in a composed design. A famous use of analogous colours in the iconic Pentagram-designed Mastercard logo.  - analogne (boje)


*alignment - the white space at the end of an open counter in typography - bijeli prostor na kraju djelimično zatvorenog slova (npr c), u tipografiji


*apex- the point at the top of a character such as the uppercase A where the left and right strokes meet - dio slova  kao npr A gdje se sastaju lijeva i desna strana (linija)



*arm - A horizontal or upward, sloping stroke that does not connect to a stroke or stem on one or both ends. The top of the capital T and the horizontal strokes of the F and E are examples of arms. - arm je naziv za horizontalnu liniju ili linju koja ide ukoso, a koja se ne spaja sa "osnovnom linijom" na jednom ili na oba kraja (primjeri sue gornja linija velikog slova T i horizontalne linije kod velikog slova F ili E)


*aspect ratio - Aspect ratio is most easily explained as the ratio of the width to the height of a rectangle—which usually, in design terms, is a picture or a screen. Aspect ratios are usually expressed as a mathematical ratio but, no fear, there’s no maths involved—it’s just two numbers separated by a colon. It’s usually width:height so, for instance, the aspect ratio for an iMac is 16:9—16 inches wide by 9 inches high. - Format prikaza (Format prikaza opisuje proporcionalan odnos između širine i visine prikaza. Najčešće se iskazuje kao dva broja između kojih se nalazi dvotočka, npr. 16:9.)

* stem - A vertical stroke in a letterform. Can be found in both lowercase and uppercase letters. - vertikalna linija kod slova, kod velikih i malih slova
* stroke - Any linear feature on a letter - linija bilo koje vrste kod slova



Skraćenice (zajednička grupa)


Iza svake skraćenice stoji znak iz kojeg je polja.

Pha (farmaceutski dio),

Mic (mikrobiološki),

Nut (nutricionisti),

GrW(grafički i web dizajn)

mada ima skraćenica koje se pojavljuju u više smjerova.


o.d. (Pha) - right eye (desno oko) - Latin, oculus dexter


c. (Pha) - with (sa) -  izvedeno od latinske riječi cum,često se piše u receptu sa crtom iznad / c


cap (Pha) - capsule (kapsula)


cap (GrW) - capital letter (veliko slovo)


caps lock (GrW) - uključena velika slova (kompletna riječ se piše velikim slovima dok se tipka caps lock ponovo ne pritisne)


CTR (GrW) - Click-through Rate - skraćenica koja se odnosi na broj ljudi koji su ustvari kliknuli na odrđenu reklamu u odnosu na broj ljudi koja je vidjela objavu te reklame


DR (Pha) - delayed-release (koristi se kod lijekova koji se uzimaju oralnim putem a koji se odmah ne rastvaraju i ne ispuštaju aktivne sastojke u tijelo) 


GIF (GrW) - Graphics Interchange Format (A GIF file creates the effect of animation by combining multiple images into one file.  - GIF fajl je fajl koji stvara efekat animacije tako što kombinira više slika u jedan fajl, koji se dalje pokreću u seriji koja se vraća na početnu nako finalne komande)




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