Takmičenja 2024. - 12/13 mart 2024.

1. Spelling Bee 2024.  (game - classroom)
2. Sushi Spell 2024.  (game - online) 
3. General knowledge 2024.  (test) 
1. Spelling Bee (game - classroom)

Učenici prvog i drugog razreda će u  srijedu, 13. marta 2024. u 10:15

kabinetu engleskog jezika učestvovati u takmičenju Spelling Bee. Pripremu za takmičenje

učenici će obaviti  u saradnji sa svojim profesorima na časovima engleskog jezika.

Materijeli za pripremu se nalaze u kabinetu engleskog jezika, za učenike koji nemaju

iskustva i žele da vide kako je to izgledalo prethodnih godina.


Ispod ovog teksta pročitajte pojašnjenje samog takmičenja (na engleskom jeziku)

uz nekoliko primjera iz prethodnih godina.....


Spelling Bee /To start, all students stand. A separate word is given to each student.

Thus, if one student fails to correctly spell a word, the next student receives a new word.

If the student cannot correctly spell the word, he or she is eliminated from the competition.

Each word is read aloud by the teacher three times: the first time the word is alone,

the second time in context, and the third time alone.


0 Example


*Teacher says to the first student: Cat.

*Teacher then says: Cat: A pet that catches mice. Cat.


*The student may ask for the word to be repeated, but only one time.


*The student attempts to spell the word, then says the word to show that he or she has

finished: C-A-T, CAT.


***Note: If the student provides the wrong letter, then he or she is out of the competition.

However, the student has one opportunity to correct him or herself during the spelling of

the word, BEFORE pronouncing it.

STUDENT IS OUT if this happens: (Student says: C-E-T, CAT.)

STUDENT IS NOT OUT if this happens: (Student says: K-A-T, I mean C-A-T, CAT).

So if he or she corrects him/herself before pronouncing CAT the student is still eligible.


The student should give the answer in one minute or less.






Pen: An instrument for writing or drawing with ink. I used a pen to write my paper.


Tip: The pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering. George

pressed the tips of his fingers together.


Rip: Tear or pull (something) quickly or forcibly away from something or someone: I have

a rip in my sleeve.


Tug: A hard or sudden pull. Another tug and it came loose.


Eat: To take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption. The nurses brought him

food, but he had refused to eat it because it included cheese.






Make: Form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; construct; create.

Tonight I will make pasta.


Part: A piece or segment of something such as an object. I am part of the student council at

my school.


Book: A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side

and bound in covers. A book of selected poems.


Bowl: A round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid. A mixing bowl.


Stamp: postage used to send mail. The envelope needs a stamp.





Cabin: small house or cottage. My dad stays in a cabin when he goes hunting.


Flake: A small piece. I caught a flake of snow on my hand and watched it melt.


Under: extending or directly below. Vast stores of oil under Alaska.


Dirty: covered or marked with an unclean substance. A tray of dirty cups and saucers.


Rough: having an uneven or irregular surface, not smooth or level. Take a square of

sandpaper, rough side out.






Amount: a quantity of something, typically the total of a thing or things in number, size,

vault, or extent. The sport gives an enormous amount of pleasure to many people.


Harsh: unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses. Drenched in a harsh white neon light.


Middle: at an equal distance from the extremities of something, central. The early and middle

part of life.


Judge: the person that makes a decision in a courtroom. The judge made the final decision

to send him to jail after hearing the criminal's defense.


Promise: a statement that something will or will not be done Henry made a promise to tell

no one where his sister kept her diary.






Review: a formal assessment or examination of something with the possibility or intention

of instituting change if necessary. A comprehensive review of defense policy.


Forward: toward the front; in the direction that one is facing or traveling. He started up

the engine and the car moved forward.


Easiest: requiring very little effort. That's the easiest solution to the problem.


Surgery:  A medical procedure involving an incision into the body. My grandmother had

cataract surgery to improve her eyesight.


Strength: the quality of being physically strong. She does exercise to build strength in

her arms.





Gracious: being polite and showing hospitality. It was very gracious for him to offer me a

place to stay.


Vehicle: something used to transport people or goods. The old vehicle still ran well on the

old roads.


Scowl: a facial expression or unhappiness. Mrs. Smith's scowl told me that she did not enjoy

my comment.


Scissors:  a tool used for cutting paper. He handed her the scissors.


Obedience: willing to do what someone tells you to do. Obedience to rules is important

at school.





Behavior: the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others. The

feeding behavior of predators.


Uncomfortable: causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort. Athlete's foot is a

painful and uncomfortable condition.


Diversity: a range or variety of different things. We need diversity of thought and opinion

to solve challenges in better ways.


Pronounce:  to say something correctly. She can pronounce foreign words very well.


Reconcile: to restore or create friendly or harmonious relations between. The football team

knew that to win a match they first had to reconcile their differences.






Ambiguous: open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning. The question

is rather ambiguous.


Foyer: an entrance hall or other open area in a building used by the public, especially a hotel

or theater. You may hang your coats in the foyer.


Blizzard: a sever snowstorm with high winds and low visibility. I was stuck in the blizzard.


Embarrass:  to cause someone to feel awkward or uncomfortable. Their dad liked to embarrass

them in front of their friends.


Acknowledge: to say that you accept the truth for something. I acknowledge that spelling

can be difficult.






Platypus: a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal that frequents lakes and streams in eastern

Australia. The platypus was not very friendly.


Plethora: a large or excessive amount of (something). A plethora of committees and



Turquoise: a bright color that is a mix of green and blue. The tropical ocean water looked

turquoise on the sunny day.


Aisle:  a walkway through shelves in a grocery store. Around Valentine's Day, the candy

aisle is too crowded with people to walk through.


Forfeiture: the act of having to give up something. For the landowner who was unable to

afford his taxes, the forfeiture of the abandoned building was actually a relief.





Amphitheater: An oval or round building with an open central area. The opera was

performed in the Roman amphitheater.


Impeccable: In accordance with the highest standards; faultless. He had impeccable



Cacophony: a harsh, unpleasant mixture of sounds. The orchestra played a cacophony

of terrible notes.


Quintessential:  representing the most perfect example of something. Chili is the

quintessential representation of New Mexico.


Pterodactyl: a flying dinosaur with a long neck and big wings. Scientists believe that

pterodactyls could fly very fat and scream very loudly.



2. Sushi Spell 2024 (game - online) 12. mart 2024.  10:20
  • PRAVILA - Sushi Spell je online igra koja uključuje poznavanje pravopisa
  •  engleskog jezika. Imate dvije minute da prepoznate i prijavite što je više
  •  moguće riječi. Obratiti pažnju na boju slova i koliko koja boja donosi poena
  •  iz razloga što su neka slova dosta „skuplja“ od ostalih,ovisno o boji. Na ekranu
  •  vam stoji koliko koja boja (slova) nosi poena. Npr. ako tražite riječi sa X,
  • dobit ćete više bodova zbog boje slova X koje je „najskuplje“ slovo. Baza
  • riječi razlikuje množinu i vrijeme kao i vrstu riječi tako da ako ste jednom
  •  prijavili npr riječ BOOK, možete tu istu riječ prijaviti u obliku množine
  • BOOKS; glagola BOOKED; BOOKING itd itd...samo ne smijete tj ne možete
  • ponavljati istu riječ. Ukoliko pronađete neku riječ npr. QUEEN odmah prije
  • prijave te riječi (klikom na submit) provjerite ima li trenutno na ponudi
  • slovo S ili možda ED čime bi prijavili dužu varijantu QUEENS ili QUEENED
  •  i zaradili više poena. Ukoliko previše čekate na neko slovo koje vam nedostaje
  •  gubite vrijeme a samim tim i druga slova koja vam promaknu.
  • Pomoć: potražite riječi poput TAX; TAXI; TAXIS; TAXED; QUEEN; QUEENED;


3. General knowledge 2024     Utorak 12.3. u 12:30

DATUM Prijavljeni učenici će u kabinetu engleskog jezika

 učestvovati u takmičenju General knowledge. Pripremu za takmičenje učenici će obaviti

 u saradnji sa svojim profesorima na časovima engleskog jezika. 

Materijal za pripremu se nalazi ispod (100 pitanja - na neka su dati i odgovori sa crvenom bojom

a odgovore na ostala pitanja potražite uz pomoć Interneta ili vaših profesora ) .

Sistem takmičenja je sljedeći:

- test (pitanja ABCD opcije ili dopuni jednom rječju)

- od 100 pitanja za pripremu na testu će biti 20

- u slučaju istog rezultata prvoplasiranih pobjednika će odlučiti 

  Wheel of Names na kojem će biti imena ili pojmovi koji će

  učenici morati objasniti sa minimalno dvije ili više rečenica

  (po principu best of 3 igre - prvi koji dodje do 3 poena pobjeđuje)


Fajl (100 pitanja) za pripremu:  100 Questions General Knowledge - Priprema.doc (64000)


Link za pripremu: engeuroblok.webnode.com/general-knowledge-opste-znanje/